01 August, 2009

things i want right now

1. tights
2. church
3. feist
4. new york
5. paris
6. fall
7. a romeo & juliette crepe from la creperie
8. babies
9. a holga or diana camera
10. rainy days with a cute umbrella & a hot chocolate


  1. i agree with each and every thing. expect add rainboots to the bottom :)

  2. 8. feel free to come give Gretchen snuggle -- she's pretty rad!
    10. this sounds lovely! we've had a lot of rainy rainiful days here lately!

  3. I LOVE FEIST! Shes awesome. I saw her play at Bonnaroo 2 yrs ago, it was great! :)

  4. I agree with every single one of these things, especially tights. I am so done with hot weather!

  5. I hate babies. They make me uncomfortable.

    P.S. That couple days when we saw each other were fun! Aww sisterly love.

  6. Me too! Not the babies part!

  7. oh my gosh, ivy! you just said you hate babies! you won't hate our babies. they'll make you feel very very comfortable. especially when you're changing their poopy diapers and putting them to bed for us when we want to go out. :D

    and yes, those were fun days. maybe we'll hang out again before 2010?

  8. 1,4,5,8 & 9....are on my list too.

    ps: 10 would be too, if the rain didn't do terrible things to my hair.

  9. yum, what's a romeo and juliette crepe?

  10. it's a crepe with strawberries, bananas, nutella, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup. delish!

  11. i want those in your list too =) I hope you're having a great weekend!

  12. tights and boots and fall, oh my! i can't wait!

  13. Ohhhh those are fun! I have lots of wants too! Starting with cooler weather! And I'll be doing #8 soon! Babies are fun!

  14. yay! for holgas and rainy days with a cute umbrella and a hot chocolate. I actually took a nice little stroll in the rain last night with my pups and then came home and had a nice hot chocolate. check, check.

    love your blog. you're adorable. and thanks for your comment:)

  15. 6 & 10 sound especially lovely to me. There is nothing I love more than the fall. Except maybe the rain.

  16. come visit New York!! you can stay at our Apartment - your choice of the open up couch or the twin bed in the guest room! :)

  17. We'll always have Paris....

    I want all those things on your list except possibly rainy days. We've had TOO much rain in New York lately. GLOOMY GLOOMY.

  18. Feist=amazing
    Church=necessary and amazing (for me)
    babies=the best thing to ever happen to me.

    Happy Sunday!

  19. Hey, do you remember when you did my Three in Three? Well, I've had blogger's block lately, so I went back to old material and I found your comments...I thought I'd feature you on my blog! So check yourself out, maybe you can give me a shout out too (Lord knows my struggling blog needs one!) Happy week, my friend!

  20. tights! Definitely coming from a dancer! I agree. Never have enough. Thanks for your coment on my blog.

  21. what a cute list agree on the n.10!!

  22. agreed. i just got home from new york and i'm dying to go back.

  23. We should do a tights swap one day! (: I can send you a pair and you can send me one. trust me, you'll be amazed at my shopping (for funny things) skills! haha (: and thank you for being so sweet and naming me one of your favourites (: And don't worry, I like that I can be frivolous at times too..I meean..where's the fun in all serious talk, anyway? heehee.

    love you! (: xx


  24. Funny how this list could be exactly something I would write up. The crepe might be changed to a "Wimbledon" because that's my favorite at a local favorite, Baker's Crust.

    Hope you had a lovely Sunday.

  25. Hopped over from Piggy in a Puddle... You've got a wonderful little place over here. I've completely enjoyed perusing your posts!


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