19 August, 2009

a switcheroo

i didn't start my day in such a fantastic mood:

i felt like the fattest i've ever been.

i was irritated with myself for not getting to the laundry before levi had to ask me to do it...again.

the dishes in the sink have been threatening to take over the whole kitchen.

and i just didn't have an ounce of energy to face anything.

but my day has totally turned around:

the laundry is almost done.

the people at my bank greeted me with a super genuine, "hello jasmine!"

i picked up some of my favorite pretzel bread and bleu cheese at naples gourmet grocer for my lunch.

and i made plans with my mom and brother to hang out tonight while levi's at work.

now on to those dishes!!


  1. Yay! I'm glad everything worked out. I love it when days turn around like that. hehe.

  2. Way to go! I am wildly impressed by anyone who willfully turns there day around. I am 6mo pregs and finding it harder than ever to turn it around and not succumb to the mean reds.
    Also, blue cheese and pretzel bread...now I want Pizza for dinner and that for dessert!

  3. i think mine went the opposite way.... :(

  4. ohhhh, I love days that turn around like that. I hate days that turn the other way :)
    thanks for making me smile!

  5. pretzel bread sounds so yummy!

    it's so nice when the day turns around for the better. :) you and naomi are on the same page today.

  6. Loving the turnaround! Look at you, miss switchy!

  7. hopefully tomorrow starts and ends well! my day was like that too, until i took charge and made it a good one with my kiddies!
    sending happy thoughts your way... and maybe a little slow club will help! :D

  8. Ciao bella!
    Oh.. I bet u'll rock these dishes and have a great evening with ur mom and brother! I've tagged u in my blog and gave u an Award! :) here's the post about: http://anninasworld.wordpress.com/

    enjoy ur day!!!

    saluti di roma

  9. I'm glad that your day turned around and hope that today is just as fabulous. I could SO go for some pretzel bread right now!

  10. pretzel bread is like the best thing ever!


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