I've been sick for the last week so I haven't really had much to blog about... nothing anyone would want to read anyway... unless you like reading lots of complaints about feeling sick and being bored and wanting to feel better. Fun stuff.
So life for the last week has consisted of lots of ginger ale, Hulu, and movies in bed (one of my favorites is Baby Boom. I've seen it a million times.). Spending all this time in my house has made even more antsy to make the changes we've been talking about around here for the last YEAR. Ugh. I hate how long it takes to get things done. I didn't really know where I was going when I started this post, but let's talk interior design now, shall we?
Our plans for the living room:
- paint it!!! We're going light pink in the living room and a slightly darker shade in the
dining nook. And yes, Levi supports this idea. It won't be completely girly. We're going for more of a neutral pink than a bubblegum Barbie pink. Also, we're going to leave one wall white and accent with lots of different colors to keep it from feeling too pink. As far as paint chips go, I like these colors...
- new couch. We want
this one but with chrome legs instead of wood ones. White leather may seem like a weird choice, but cat hair won't get woven into the fibers of this couch (I'm allergic to our kitties), and we can just wipe it clean! And Ikea has like a 10-year warranty on their couches. And and annnnnd it's so much smaller than our current big, ugly, clunky couch. Sold! I seriously HATE our current couch. The cushions got all squishy and crappy after less than a year. I haven't even sat on it for about a year now because it hurts my back and makes me so allergic.

- rearrange furniture. We're completely flipping the living room around. Everything is going somewhere new, and I think it's really going to open the place up a lot. I found a really incredible old dresser (circa the 1910s/1920s) a really long time ago - it was free! It just needed some work. Levi worked absolute magic on it, and it is GORGEOUS now. It's just really really large. It'll look so much better on a different wall.
- pull down shades. We don't get tons of natural light in our place (kind of a bummer, but it keeps it nice and cool for most of the summer) so I've been wanting to replace our nasty, dust-catching blinds with pull-down shades that will let in more light. I'm thinking
these. Can you tell we love Ikea?
- accessories/details. We really really want to complete the living room this time. No more 50-80% finished rooms. I want my house to feel DONE and grown-up. I got this switchplate at Anthropologie last spring. It's still wrapped in paper sitting in my bedroom waiting to be used.
- new dining chairs. Our dining chairs are really clunky and big. They take up way too much space in our tiny apartment, and we'd like to downsize. I'd love to get some metal café chairs like these, but they're always at least about $100 a piece... and that's not gonna happen.
We also plan on adding some new storage solutions, getting rid of a bunch of crap that takes up too much space, pulling our dining room table out of the nook so that we actually use it, and adding a pendant chandelier to the dining nook.
Ahhh, I can envision it all, and it is so fresh and clean and serene feeling. I seriously can't wait. It's just a really big undertaking, and we haven't had the money to make it all happen! Maybe writing it down on my blog will put some things into motion so we can get started sooner than later. I just feel like I need a peaceful, efficient, CLEAN living space to feel sane. Hopefully, once the house is looking the way I want it to, I'll keep it cleaner....