Cecily turned six months on Saturday, 20 April. We usually go to church on Saturday nights when Levi gets off of work, but we decided to go to the mall and celebrate instead! We did a little browsing at Baby Gap and the Disney Store. Cecily loved a wedding Rapunzel doll so much that her daddy decided to get it for her as a half-birthday present! We even ran into my brother, Chrystal, Wolfie, and Owen at the mall!

When the mall closed, we drove home. And as soon as we got there, that's when our adventure for the evening began. I noticed that Cecily's eye was looking really bad (darn that blocked tear duct - I had been massaging it extra that day). After much debating, we ended up taking her to the Hoag emergency room, all the way back to where we had just come from! On the way there, our call to her doctor was returned by a nurse and she confirmed that we should take her in. We didn't have to wait in the waiting room at all! It was totally empty! We went straight into a room where they hooked up Silly's little toe to a monitor and put a hospital bracelet, that kept slipping off, on her ankle. Cecily was in excellent spirits and had a smile for everyone who came into or passed by our room. Her eye ended up being infected, and because of the infection, the extra massage caused all the swelling. Poor babe! I felt terrible, like I had broken my baby! So that was her first, and hopefully last, visit to the emergency room! As not fun as it was, it was pretty nostalgic for us to be at the same hospital where she was born six months earlier!

At six months, Cecily weighs 17 pounds 9 ounces (75th percentile) and is 27 1/4 inches tall (95th percentile). Her head is now in the 75th percentile because she's a genius. Dr. Brown said she probably wouldn't last in her infant car seat until her next appointment at nine months because she's growing so fast!
Her sleep still isn't back to what it used to be. She's now sleeping without a swaddle, and she gets herself into some pretty crazy sleeping positions. She isn't waking up as much as she was last month, but she's still waking up a couple/few times a night.
At six months, Cecily:
• still loves grabbing her feet. And now she's putting them in her mouth too! She favors her left foot.
• loves to play with my face. When she's nursing, she reaches up to gently touch it. So sweet.
• is starting to copy sounds we make.
• tries so hard to get her did in her mouth on her own but has only just recently gotten it in there... this isn't consistent though.
• gives kisses to Momma, Daddy, Pippa, and Rapunzel when asked.
• loves to give Fleur, her Easter bunny, hugs.
• can roll over front to back and back to front (back to front is still new).
• just barely started sleeping with one arm free from her swaddle! Yay! (A little bit into the month, we took the swaddle away altogether.)
• is starting to "answer" the question "where's daddy" or "where's momma" by looking at the respective parent.
• gets excited when she hears the door open and knows that Daddy is home!
• is pretty into her tongue and likes sticking it out all the time.
New nicknames:
• girl of all the world
• snow
• princess of the desert of the night (Uncle Brov's nickname for her...)