the recipe i created for the sauce that i showed you
here is incredibly simple and basic.
it's just a quick and easy tomato sauce (kinda like a pomodoro) that i make, and add to, almost weekly. it's very cheap to make. way cheaper than buying sauce in a jar. plus, i don't really like sauce in a jar.
i made the perfect sauce a few weeks ago, but, unfortunately, i did not measure, and i did not write it down, so i'm still trying to come up with the perfect proportions.
it's a bit difficult to write out the recipe since i don't measure, but i'll try. also, you should absolutely experiment with it - take things out, add things, make it your own. i'm sure it would be great with onions and oregano...i just don't like onions or all. i kinda hate them. you could also add shredded carrot or zucchini, fresh herbs instead of dried herbs, bell peppers, endless possibilities on this one.
here's the gist of it:
one 28 ounce cans of diced tomatoes
about a tablespoon of tomato paste
olive oil: enough to sauté the garlic in
2-4 cloves of garlic, minced or crushed
(i pretty much add an extra clove every few times i make this...before you know it, i'll have an entire head in there.)
dry ingredients:
(all dried ingredient measurements are approximate. so if it tastes weird, i probably estimated wrong... sorry.)
black pepper: a very full 1/2 teaspoon
crushed red pepper: 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon
(depending on how spicy you like things...maybe start w/the 1/4 teaspoon)
salt: 1/2 teaspoon
sugar: 1 & a 1/2 pinches
dried basil: 1/2 tablespoon
nutmeg: a couple small dashes
1. cook garlic in olive oil over medium heat for about 2-3 minutes. it needs to color, and it should smell really, really good. stirring will keep it from burning.
2. add the diced tomatoes & the tomato paste
3. add the dry ingredients
4. simmer for 15 minutes on medium - keep an eye on it; you will have to stir it frequently. i usually watch over it like a mother hen the entire time. i also don't usually start the timer until i have all the ingredients stirred in.
5. lower the heat to low, & simmer for an additional 5-10 more minutes while you prepare other parts of your meal.
6. serve with your favorite type of pasta. it also tastes incredible on top of garlic bread.
(this recipe makes enough to serve me and levi with no leftovers....but we eat a lot, so it'll probably stretch farther for you.)
bet those are the weirdest instructions to a recipe you've ever read!
i hope you enjoy it as much as we do!