22 December, 2009

no snow here!

this is all the snow we'll be seeing this christmas!

(it was the manmade, dirty, ice chunk variety.)


  1. the kind you definitely don't want to lick! lol

  2. yuck! i'm sure you didn't really put it in your mouth. nice picture!!!

  3. Haha, that's the down side of socal. I'm in Montana right now, and it looks like we are going to have a white Christmas.

  4. I should send you a picture - we are getting snow right this minute in Utah. 3-6 inches by tonight. Wishing you, Levi and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  5. will gladly send you all of ours from southern new york! you two are adorable. merry christmas.


  6. hope to see some of your photos soon! i'm not getting anything for christmas because we're broke. we're only getting select presents for our baby.


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