Just like many bloggers before me, I'm not exactly sure what I will be doing here or how often I will be doing it. But I thoroughly enjoy quite a few blogs on a daily basis so I thought I would contribute my own.
Now for some explanation of my blog's title. Without getting too political, the recession our country is currently experiencing bloooooows. I have found myself in some pretty dire straits financially, and I'd like to chronicle my experiences so that one day, when I am sitting in the lap of luxury, I can look back and remember all the hard times and amazing times that being poor brought me.
I've always been a strong person, but quite reluctantly. Like everyone else I have ever met, I've had my share of rough times. I always come out of them alive and having learned at least one small something. But I don't think I've ever really embraced my hardships. I've never gotten to know them. I'm not sure that I've ever even accepted them. I've always just kept going, doing what I have to in order to get through them and survive. I'd like this time to be different. I'd like to take this opportunity to really experience what poverty is, to really learn from it, and to allow it to change me...in a good way of course! :)
My boyfriend, Levi, and I live together with the lovely Lily in a teeny tiny studio, with the ugliest emerald green carpet you'll ever see, in downtown Long Beach, California. I am convinced that the Bob Marley song Is This Love was pretty much written for us.
Lily stretching on ugly green carpet

me and Levi
I was going to school 40 hours a week (getting my Esthetician's license) when the recession really started picking up. I had saved a big chunk of cash in order to pursue this goal. It would have been just enough to get me through, but a few things happened along the way. To make a long story short, I ran out of money in October, and Levi has been supporting us both ever since. Levi works as a hairstylist, and let me tell you - he's amazing! He doesn't make tons of money (no commission - blah), so most months we juuuusssst squeak by. I have expanded my job search to anything due to the lack of open positions in the salon industry, but, so far, nothing has panned out. Jobs go really quickly around here. The unemployment rate in Los Angeles County is 9.9% so the competition is fierce. So for now, I try to stay busy and take care of Levi and our home the best I can (speaking of, I really should be doing laundry right now). Despite less than desirable circumstances, I love my life. I'm even grateful for the financial hardships we struggle through. They've taught me to stress less and to appreciate everything I have.