06 February, 2009


As soon as I get a job, Levi and I are going to leave the studio and move into a one bedroom apartment. Long Beach has some gorgeous buildings, and there are "For Rent" signs all over the place right now, so finding something great shouldn't be too difficult. You don't even know how amazing it will be to live in more than one room! I can't wait. I want our living room to draw inspiration from this:

image from Domino magazine (RIP Domino)

I actually saw this photo on apartment #412, etc. and can't stop looking at it. I showed it to Levi, and he likes it too! Compromise is a wonderful thing. He's pretty into modern design so he was drawn to the white table and the black chair. I just love how eclectic it is. Not to mention the books! Ever since I saw Beauty and the Beast in the movie theatre when I was 9, I have always dreamed of having a million books accessible by a ladder in my home. :) Since I don't live in an enormous chateau in the south of France, this will do quite nicely. Making plans and dreaming of the future are two of my favorite activities at the moment! 


  1. Keep up the inspiration. The pic is awesome, wish I could get an apartment like that too. And good luck to you and your Levi, you seem like a nice couple :)

  2. roseanne, you are my very first comment! how exciting! thank you for the well wishes. :)

  3. that is one of my all-time favourite interiors! i love everything about it.

    p.s. thanks for the link!


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