07 March, 2012

So Long, Toddler Tails!

photo 15

A couple weeks ago, Levi lopped off my toddler tails, and I went back to short hair.

photo 1

photo 2

It's good to be back!!


  1. Look at you and your sassy hair! Cute top in the bottom photo too!

  2. That's so awesome! You look fabulous!

    I'm actually cutting off fourteen inches of my hair in three weeks into a pixie and getting navy blue low lights-- your lavender hair pictures are my inspiration :D

  3. Love your hair! Really need to spice mine up a bit but don't have a clue what to do--maybe a fringe hmmm...

  4. V. cute!!! And I'm in love with your swan blouse! :)

    1. Thanks! I love it too. It's from Forever 21!! They still had them when I was in on Sunday.

  5. that red shirt in the last photograph is adorable. where from?


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