18 August, 2009

let's get this show on the road

i think we're officially ready for fall.

levi and i made a pact today that we would try to capture the "essence" of things this year.

for example, this fall, we want to do lots of "fall-y" things like make hot apple cider, carve pumpkins, make pumpkin bread, do all kinds of pumpkin stuff, and dress up for halloween.

we just want to enjoy the year to its fullest and try to create some sort of distinction between seasons since we don't really get much of that here in southern california.

well, it's kinda more my thing than levi's, but he's more than willing to participate.

so fall, bring it on!


  1. i loooove fall! i've already bought two new coats, and it doesn't even get cold until november in charleston... i'm sure you can relate in california...

    carving pumpkins and making apple cider sounds SO perfect!

  2. I am so excited for fall!!! Its my favorite season :)

  3. i do love fall for all these reasons! it's cute, "our little love nest" just did a fall post as well.
    i'm excited for the leaves to change colors and for school to start. i'm glad you've living it up in the seasons :)

  4. I am so with you in the Fall deal! Loving it....and missing Northwest autumns. You guys are too cute! xo

  5. i love how cute you two are.

  6. Fall is my favorite season of all and I have been ready for it since June! I love going to pumpkin patches, drinking caramel apple cider, reading October and November issues of magazines, making yummy soups, wearing warm sweaters - you get the idea. I'm not much for warm weather so I don't think I'd survive if I lived in California. :)

  7. You are a lot like except in skinnier blond form with better teeth and a boyfriend! :)

    I live for fall, but I appreciate that you're trying to enjoy all of it. Should be lots of cute pictures.

  8. my mom would always decorate the house according to season, right down to soap dispensers and curtains!
    it's a great tradition for families.

  9. i love this idea.. hmm i might try a few of those things myself. pumpkins and apple cider in the fall and christmas trees eggnog and lights in winter :) gives me lots of good feelings just thinking about them!

  10. This morning I woke up and thought, "it feels like fall." It made me smile!

  11. I like this!
    IN Aus we dont dress up for halloween much- but I am so ready for it this year.
    Bring it on fall!

  12. That's exactly what we want to do. :) It will be our very first Halloween together (yeah, after 8 years of being together it's about time but my husband is in the military and training routines, deployments etc. always come in the way) and we are so going to dress up and decorate. And since we are living in a military community there are lots of kids and I can't wait to pass out candy. It will be great!

  13. fall is my favorite season.

    i'm all for living it up!

  14. good for you guys! i have to say, i'm not quite ready to let go of summer, but i'm starting to look forward to fall. not winter, but fall. [we do get seasons here, so i'm not looking forward to the cold!]

  15. I love fall so much...I'm already working on my costume!

  16. i want to participate in this pact! i feel like i've been too busy to appreciate the seasons lately. i feel like i haven't even experienced summer yet! this year has gone by in the blink of an eye. i'm in on this one! :)

  17. You guys are too cute!!
    And yes, we Southern Californians have to make our own seasons!! You are so right!! And, I think I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

    And btw, my boyfriend went with me to Michael's yesterday too!! So funny!!

  18. that's a great way to look at things and it allows you to create really special levi/jasmine traditions. when you have babies they will love it and your family will have so many cool memories!

  19. Please Lord let the Fall come already! I'm ready as well. It'll be her soon, I can FEEEEELLL IT!

  20. I heart fall :) football games, bonfires, roasting marshmallows, pumpkin MUFFINS, light sweaters, layers, hoodies, spiced (spiked) cider, halloween, hay rides, leaves, and snuggling is so much more appealing when it's not so sticky and hot :) Cheers to fall! Plus, it makes for some beautiful photos!

  21. I always say that Fall is my favorite season, but really I like them all equally when they come around (except winter). I love the "fall smell." I am excited for trenchcoats and boots and football tailgating and smores and fireplaces and crunchy leaves and halloween and warm coffee in a cool breeze and the way sunshine looks in the Fall.

  22. Don't rush fall on me! I am a summertime girl all the way... Don't me wrong fall is beautiful--I'm just not ready!

    Btw - I love this photo of you and Levi :)


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