14 August, 2009

look what i did!

i won a giveaway!

a giveaway hosted by the darling belle at it's all make believe, isn't it?

that never happens to me!

this is what i won:
so cute, right?

thanks belle!


  1. i love a good t-shirt! This one suits you well.

    I have yet to win a contest...i am up for a blog award but the competition is fierce. The other 11 nominees have like a gajillion readers.

    and then there's me. with my handful of friends who for some reason don't mind all my poo stories. Fat chance ;)


  2. I was so close to being picked! But I was like--hey I know this girl. Loved your comment there.

  3. I am very glad you finally got to win something darling!! This will look fabulous on you xxx

  4. yay! it's so much fun to win! And cute prize too!

  5. congrats!i'm sure it will look better on you.


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