29 July, 2009

why we love our neighborhood reason #5

reason #5:


you guys have heard me talk about it a million times before - frosted cupcakery (just click on the "treats" label, and you'll see what i mean).

also known as, cupcake heaven.

they're better than sprinkles in my humble, very picky opinion.

and all the girls who work there are as sweet as...cream cheese frosting...

i highly recommend the chocolate coconut, red velvet, and key lime (but hurry hurry on the key lime - it is sadly only here for july. such a shame.).

frosted, thank you so much for keeping me 5 pounds heavier than i'd like to be!

p.s. don't forget to enter the giveaway!


  1. gosh, i wish that georgia would jump on this cupcake bandwagon already... the few shops we have seem so sub par to what other bloggers boast about in their cities. :(

  2. oh my god...I am so stinking jealous and suddenly starving now xo

  3. OHHHH PUMPKIN CREAM CHEESE sounds FABULOUS too!!! My mouth is watering.

  4. Oh Jasmine, there's this place called Sweet that I pass on my way into work every day now. It's got cupcakes galore, but I've got to save my pennies! Have a cupcake for me next time you're in Frosted--so cute!

  5. so i tried Sprinkles when i was in Arizona... and it was good, but by far not my favorite place to get cupcakes from. so i'm glad to hear there are better places out there in Cali as well. and the key lime is always the best... anytime!

  6. too fun. cupcakes are 'd' best

  7. if I had a place like that really close to me I would be in deep trouble!

  8. um. so I clicked on the cupcake picture to make it bigger...an I def hit my head on the computer becasue I was trying to lick on of them. lol. i neeeed a cupcake.

  9. *tummy grumbles*
    good god. Why's everyone posting about food today?
    I'm going to make cupcakes now.
    If you hear about a freak fire that takes down the entire Eastern Province in Saudi Arabia, that would be yours truly.

  10. I've never been to a cupcake shop. It's probably a good thing or I'd be about 20 lbs heavier than I'd like to be!

  11. looooove the painting of the whistling cupcake right on the wall!

  12. ooh!

    for some reason when i go to your blog from my computer it freezes up! for the past two weeks or so. so sorry for my lack of comments... i have to check at school!

  13. OMG i so want one right now! ;) can you ship me one! :):)

  14. seriously...I am obsessed with your blog. I know I sent you an email, but I have no idea if you will get it. I decided to start from the beginning so I know your whole story....it actually was because I wanted to know the details of your poverty situation (it always makes one feel better to know that someone else is in the same sitch, yes?) Anyway, so I've gotten through April and I LOVE it. I have done nothing since I got home but eat a giant bowl of pasta and read your blog :) You're very inspiring, so thank you!!

  15. yummmmm. i make a point to visit cupcakeries in every city, but i haven't been to this one yet!! looks delicious, i definitely need to go there.

  16. heehee. I love that you have a "treats" label (: I really wish cupcakes could be airflown across continents. oh, boo. well, until then! (: xx

  17. those cupcakes look so good...
    Nice blog


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