13 July, 2009

we definitely need a couch

i've been trying my hardest to make something else work as a couch in the meantime, but it's just not the same, you know??

there is an end in sight. we're saving up and will be fixing the place up at the beginning of the school year.

in the meantime, i'll keep experimenting. maybe i'll come up with something.


  1. I bought my first brand new couch this year! It was about a million percent off and lovely!
    Before that I'd always had someone's hand me down stained and weird smelling couch -- I feel luxurious with my new furniture!
    It, however, is the ONLY new furniture I own ^_^

  2. I think a hammock would work better or one of those huge bean bag chairs. That is so not comfy looking. If I lived a little closer I would drop off our sofa that we are giving away. xo

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. this green painting on your walls is just awesome!

  5. You look so cute sleeping on the chairs! Seriously always check craigslist...it is my fav!
    Ps. I want a Harry Potter themed Dinner!!!! OMG!

  6. Now if you actually slept like that you are extremely talented.. or just have an uncanny ability to sleep anywhere, like my husband.

  7. You crack-a-lack me up :) I just got an awesome antique couch from a friend's family fo' free! In my dreams I get rid of the tacky plaid upholstery and put green velvet on it instead, give it a neat name like Priscilla.

    Okay, yeah, I'm gonna do that.

  8. This blog is excellent. I'm really enjoying reading through it.

  9. I spent three years of my life in a crappy apartment in a rough section of South Philly with no couch. We made a floor bed and held competitive floor laying competitions!

  10. ever heard of a palette? .. you probably call it something else but they are my favorite!! take every blanket..comforter..sheet that you have..pile them on the floor and voila..the most comfortable/amazing thing in the world :)

  11. Aww! Make a nest out of bean bag chairs and comforters.

  12. go for a moroccan theme and get some cushions and ottomans for the floor with a low coffee table! who needs a couch?

  13. I second what iheartkiwi said: get some cushions. We have a couch and chair that is huge and takes up most of our living room - hand me downs from my brother who lived in Texas when he bought it. I would much rather just have cushions on the floor since we always sit on the floor anyway. :)

  14. Don't get a couch, this looks way too cute.

  15. Pssssssssssst - check out apartmenttherapy.com and look for some ideas there!

  16. Hey! You are so cute. My daughter, who lives in Irvine, will be giving away a sectional before the end of the month. contact me if you are interested. Love your blog!

  17. Totally hit up Craigslist. I got a brand new couch for 125 bucks!

  18. Adorable picture! I'm sure you will appreciate that couch all the more when it finally comes!

  19. haha (: I think you need a sofa too! or else a giant bean bag might work. You can simply sew your own and stuff it with styrofoam balls! (: xx

  20. Hey Girl,

    Check this out!


  21. I agree with the beanbag comment. Those are cheap and would be much more comfy than stackes up chairs. ;)

  22. have you seen these!? i am sure there is a cheaper version out there... but i think the idea of them is awesome:)


  23. Pillows....lots!!!! :)
    Cute pic, by the way!

  24. haha Hilarious picture. When my sister and I moved into the apartment we live in now, it took us a long time to get a sofa. 6 months actually. We had a save up for it too. I was so happy the day they delivered it from Ikea.

  25. How about a bed propped up on palettes like this one... http://ashleyannphotography.com/blog/2009/06/30/entering-the-girl-world-the-nursery/

    She did such an amazing job! I want one with a full size mattress for guests in my art room.


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