10 July, 2009

did you know...

...that he still opens the car door for me every single time?

i love him.
kind of a lot.


  1. He is truly a gentleman. I love guys like that!!

  2. I love that!! My love does that for me too...it's so adorably loving. What a gorgeous photo of you two. xoxo

  3. awwwwwwww! thats soo sweet.

    ps.i tagged you today!!

  4. i love it!!

  5. I have been with Jack for 6 years, and her still opens the car door for me too! We are lucky women!

  6. Doesn't that give you such a happy feeling inside?

    My husband and I have been married for five years, and together for nine. He still gets the door for me everytime too! :)

  7. Can't wait to fall THIS much in love with someone. You two are darlin'.

  8. so sweet. i love being a lady, and i love being treated like one.

    good man indeed.

  9. Does he? That's so cute!

  10. He is a very good gentleman!

    P.S. Fun giveaway happening - check it out: www.reverie-daydream.blogspot.com

  11. (: Ian used to. THEN HE STOPPED. haha! Okay, I think levi needs to do some best boyfriend 101 online teaching! tell him I'd subscribe a years worth of it (on behalf of ian of course) (; much love! xxwee

  12. Yeah, I knew.

    Haha sorry. I just felt like being a smartass. I think because everyone is so sweet on blogspot, I feel like I need to balance it out with some severe cynicism and negativity. Forgive me.

  13. Oh I LOVE when they do that!

  14. I'm not settling for less than this.

    You guys are adorable. I have been hearing about your blog forever and I'm so glad I stopped by! :)

  15. so cute! love the photo :)

  16. That is an absolute must for me. I am quite an independant woman, but manners are manners! Way to go, Levi!

  17. aww just love that feeling when the hubbs does it too!!! ;0)

  18. I love this! It's as it should be. :)

  19. Swoon Jasmine! Every girl should absolutely have this--you're very lucky :)

  20. That's incredible!! soooo romantic...I probably wouldn't have the patience though to wait for gooseman to open the door for me every time......

  21. ohh levi, could you teach our boys some of your chivalry? it'd be greatly appreciated by all of us!! you're so lucky lady :) and you deserve it!!

  22. i'm currently going through the really sucky breakup of a long term relationship (insert debbie downer-esque "wah wah" sound), and this was the first thing that went. the last week of our relationship he (among other things) stopped opening the door for me. being the feminist that i am, i always thought that i would hate it if a guy always insisted on opening my door for me... but it seriously broke my heart when it stopped.

    what a gem levi is.

  23. aww my bf opens the door for me too! (99% of the time, hehe) ;)

  24. aw! my hubby does this, too! he races to doors to make sure he opens them for me, too! chivalry lives on :)

  25. Awwww so cute. Your one lucky gal Jasmine


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