02 July, 2009

umm so...

here's the thing about spf 70 (the kind i am wearing here) - it doesn't really work if you happen to be the WORLD'S WORST SUNSCREEN APPLIER.

which i happen to be.

this is what i did to myself yesterday:

the spots where i actually got the sunscreen were fine...but i missed a lot of spots.

it's those darn spray can sunscreens!

and this is not the first time i've done something like this.

look what i did to levi last summer:

please note the lovely zig zag pattern of his burn.

i better learn a thing or two about sunscreen application before i have children.

maybe we should start using that colored sunscreen?

sometimes, i am so stupid.


  1. ooooh that looks painful. I got a terrible sunburn earlier this summer and was peeling for three weeks! I kicked myself every day! Hopefully yours will heal faster....

  2. I feel sick for you. I spend all summer burnt to a crisp because I lose track of time when I'm outside. I have to limit myself to how often I go out so my burn can settle down before getting burned again. I just love being outside.


  3. Hahaa aw ouch darling!! That looks sore!!
    Plenty of moisturizer and no hot showers now! xxx

  4. OH MY!!! please please slap on the sunblock evenly next time!! I feel your pain. I'm actually going to beach tml too! But thankfully I don't burn easily..but sunblock is still a must!

    oh and ps: We'll meet you at the virtual tennis courts next week (:

  5. I do this too and have done something similar to my J. He always looks part Zebra after we get out of the sun.

    I definitely feel your pain! And I thought I was the only one who used SPF higher than 50! LOL!

  6. My husband did the same thing on our honeymoon. He squirted a dab on his chest and swirled it around for a minute. He thought he was good. Nope....the next day he had big hand print tan lines on his chest. It was pretty hot.

  7. ouch! i went to a water park saturday and used SPF 50, not the spray, and everyone that used it got so burnt! darn sun!!!

  8. I wish there was something I could say besides LOL. I remember what you did to poor Levi last summer. Maybe this was karmic.

  9. Oh no! That looks painful, I hope it feels better soon. I burn as soon as I step out the door so I feel your pain!

  10. Haha, this is brilliant (though I'm sorry it would be so painful!)
    You should do an art exhibit of miss-sunscreened skin!

  11. Yowza! Us fair people gotta watch out!

    Lotsa aloe and you should be good to go!

  12. PS: I think someone else feels your pain: http://experimentinpoverty.blogspot.com/2009/07/umm-so.html

  13. Ouch! You looked so fabulous in your one piece in the post below, btw. Hope you stocked up on Aloe Vera and perhaps you should invest in one of those paint rollers to apply sunblock? ;)

    Better to be safe than sorry.

    Loved your comment on my blog.

  14. That makes me hurt for you! I'm so sorry. Just be sure that you don't put aloe gel on your back and then fall asleep. It'll stick to your sheets and then rip off the top seventy two layers of skin. I've heard.

  15. hmmm. looky what we found here.
    a cute little blogger with awesome pictures to waste away my day looking at.
    thanks for stopping by.
    let's go to harry potter together.
    you get harry.
    i get a dead cedric.

  16. Oh no! Sunburns are the worst. I'm the worst sunscreen applier in the world also, so Will always puts it on me. Anywhere he lets me do it ends up burned, haha. And I use SPF 70 too! I hope yours heals quickly!

  17. ooooh... that looks like a bad burn!!! You should put some aloe on that to hydrate it... i am ghost white and burn easily, so I totally understand!!!

  18. GASP! You poor thing! I've had it with spray on sunscreens too. Not only are they hard to tell where you'd applied it, but my last bottle lasted 5! applications! Laaame.

    Put on lots of pure aloe!

  19. Yowzas. I would be moving in to my freezer if I were you.

    I swear by constant excessive moisturizing. I haven't had a bad burn peel yet.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  20. sad! like you, i've had more than one major sunscreen mishap in the past; what i've find wonderful is putting your aloe vera in the fridge, or using the real plant :)

    i hope you don't look too much like a leper when it starts to peel.

  21. this is amazingly hilarious.
    no so much because your burnt. but because i do the exact same thing.
    the green gooey gel stuff.
    it works.
    it will tame any zigzag tan in minutes.
    hope you're feeling better and the coloured sunscreen does help.

  22. ummm Wow! You are pretty bad at applying sunscreen, but you are too adorable for words other wise!

    Thank you for the kind comment on my blog!

  23. lol...oh man Jasmine! I'm so sorry. I hate getting sunburned :( Have a happy 4th even if your bicycle is salt rusted!

  24. Holy Crap! That's kind of what I looked like when I came back from the Bahamas. I hope your skin heals fast!

  25. Oh, you poor thing! And you looked so fabulous in your suit and wide-brimmed hat — that's just not fair. Fingers crossed, hope it heals quickly!

  26. I'm powder pale, so when I haphazardly apply my spf 65, it shows, and I look like a strawberry zebra!

  27. bahahaha...i seriously love this because i just read the last post and then this happened. you are a dorrrrk.

  28. ouch! that is exactly what scares me about the sun! (although that won't keep me out of it...)

    I have just started a blog - with your inspiration, please come and visit :)



  29. Ouch! Use vitamin E or aloe...works wonders for a sunburn like that, feel better:)

  30. OUCH! Hope you feel better soon, poor thing.

  31. Aww you aren't stupid! I am so white I am almost glow-in-the-dark so you won't catch me in the sun unless I had help putting mu sunscreen on! Use lots of aloe!!

  32. Thank heavens for aloe vera!!! I apply that to my hubby all summer long! I love my whitey! I too suck at applying sunscreen, um and the purple colored one is amazing! I have yet to screw up this summer!! :)

  33. Oh my god poor thing!!! Hope you're not in too much pain, sunburns can be a nightmare...

  34. aww sunburn. it suk, i had that last time too. and finally get over that for 2 months! gee

  35. OUCH!!! And I thought burning my right temple and my scalp was bad...

    I love the zigzag. That's brilliant! Your hubby has such wide shoulders and such a tiny waist. That's pretty amazing, actually.

  36. Ouchy! We use the purple coloured one too! It helps so much to see it and it fades away to nothing after a wee bit. So sorry for your pain. You poor thing. Hope it heals fast! xo

  37. Ouch, so sorry! Yeah you feel pretty bad when you miss spots on your kids. I just use the regular sun screen so I usually end up having to have my kids do my back (a 4 and 2 year old), but somehow I have made it burn free every time they have applied :)

  38. Oh no. I'm terrible at this myself. It's hard when you you have sand on your hands too. I had a crazy burn like this when we to Puerto Rico awhile back. Not good. Not good.

    Also, may I throw in my two bits? I worked at a Derm office for 4 years, and my doc used to always say that it wasn't necessarily the SPF number that counts, but what is in the sunscreen. Make sure that the one you're using has zinc or titanium oxide. Those are the ingredients that really have the best protection. Check out Blue Lizard {the bottle turns blue when it gets in the sun!}

  39. As a fellow fair skinned person I feel your pain! My boyfriend tans up perfectly and I look like a lobster. I always end up burnt because I'll sit outside to have lunch with friends and not put any sunscreen on and an hour or two in SoCal and you can get a nice burn going! Have you had any success with the spray lotions? Those seem to work a bit better for me on getting even coverage.

  40. OH NO! It happens to the best of us. :) I hope it feels better soon and with minimal peeling.

  41. i had a killer strap line from a california sunburn a while back. the line lasted about 6 months. so sorry about your burn. it's the worst!!!

  42. ouch ouch ouch. I know exactly how you feel.

    I am just starting to wear a bra again because it hurt sooo much last week when i first got burnt.

    I used the spray aloe stuff so that i didnt have to rub cream on it. ouucchc

  43. Sunburn actually worked to my advantage last year. I had a little star sticker on my back and forgot to put on sunscreen so the end result was a little star practically tattooed on my back!

  44. Haha... so sorry to laugh, but this is hilarious! I'm awful, too!

    P.S. Better late than never - I've added you to my blogroll :)


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