01 July, 2009

look what we made!

AEiP buttons for your blog! we turned ourselves into an acronym...makes us feel important (plus the blog title is kinda on the longish side).

if you'd like one for your blog, just copy the code and paste it into a gadget or the html on your blog!

<a href="http://experimentinpoverty.blogspot.com"> <img src="http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/5345/nonamec.jpg"> </a>

let me know if you need any help!


  1. that is soooo cute!! you guys are so creative and computer savvy.

  2. I love it! They're adorable.

  3. Jasmine, simply A-door-able! Love it!

    Ashlee Likes This {Thumbs up}

  4. charming, the sketch of the two of you is so cute

  5. So cute! Kinda looks like a fraternity, you know? Haha!

  6. oh cute cute!
    I'm currently having one of my design savvy blogging pals do up an icon for me!!

  7. SOOOOOOO cute !!! :)

  8. Love it! Umm...but I'm kind of an html moron...so...I'm not really sure how to make it go where I'd like it to.

  9. aww how cute, im definitely going to use it :) one of my favorite blogs! xoxo


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