08 July, 2009

the results

thanks to everyone who voted yesterday!

an overwhelming majority of you voted for option b...this one...

however, many of you made some excellent points about option a...this one...

those who voted for option a said that it would make a cooler impact blown up and in a living room, while option b would look better in a smaller size and in a bedroom.

and you know what?

we agree!

so they both win.

option a will be blown up to approximately 16" x 20" and framed in the living room, and option b will be framed in the bedroom (not sure on the size yet).

so thank you! honestly, if we hadn't had you guys vote, we would have ended up putting option b in the living room! oooo! i can't wait! our pretty painted walls need some friends!


  1. Hooray! I love helping! I can't wait to see the finished products.

  2. too late for me to vote but loved both pictures! Option a will be great in sephia or black and white for more drama! =)

  3. I'm so glad! I can't wait to see pictures :)

  4. yay! good thinking!

  5. oh, they're going to look lovely! :)

  6. where have i been?? i would certainly agree with the final decision. (and can i just say what a fab idea the big picture is. no, not vain. fab.)

  7. where have i been?? i would certainly agree with the final decision. (and can i just say what a fab idea the big picture is. no, not vain. fab.)

  8. good call on framing BOTH of them!! (: can't wait to see the finished product! xx

  9. Effff yeah! I was going to be legitimately upset if you went with the other one.

  10. Awe yes, that's totally what I'd do ^_^

  11. Yay! Great choice! I was torn on which one but I was leaning more toward (A) because it was more unique. Be sure to take a picture of it on the wall to show it to all of us.

  12. good decision! although, I think you shoud consider doing a photo wall, cause all of your shots are fantastic!

  13. love this idea... i thought of getting a photo of kiwi and i put on a gallery wrapped canvas. i love that look. can't wait to see the finished product!


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