26 July, 2009

happy sunday!

we went to see little shop of horrors at the carpenter center (CSULB) last night.

one of levi's clients gave us fantastic tickets. we enjoyed it thoroughly!

especially the part where audrey II eats audrey. i think we were the only two in the theatre in hysterics. ahhhh. good stuff.

on that note, go have yourselves a happy sunday!
and don't forget to check back for that little surprise i promised you (here) on monday!

levi & jasmine


  1. ohh fun! have a great day love, you deserve it :)

  2. that is such a good play!

  3. Ahhh! I love Little Shop of Horrors. I was just singing "Somewhere That's Green" the other day.

  4. I've loved Little Shop of Horrors since I was little!!! I'm glad the show was good!

  5. I love that film, it's so funny and Audrey II is pure love ;P!

  6. Little Shop, you say? Only one of my FAVORITE shows! I was Audrey way back in the day in one production, and a Doo Wop girl in another!

  7. I love laughing with my husband where nobody else is.

    Haven't left a comment in a while, so I thought I'd say hi and I hope your weekend is/was great!

  8. so fun! I played Audrey at my all girl's catholic school production....it was awkward to have all of the characters played by women!


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