15 July, 2009

why we love our neighborhood reason #3

reason #3:
the twin kitties

we saw these two little black kittens running around the first day we looked out our apartment.

they are hilarious. i watch them from our living room windows playing with each other, running, leaping, tumbling, rolling. they always make me smile.

and they are always trying to get into our house. they see an open door as a big, giant invitation.

they like to sit under our windows and "talk" to lily. in other words, they just sit and stare at each other. it's so cute!

these two little twinsie kitties have made our home a more joyful place to live.

p.s. i picked a puzzle winner! finally!! i let levi pick a name out of a hat. our lucky, little winner is stephanie from you're on my mind. i need your address, stephanie! :)


  1. AWWWWWW!! kittens!! (: you should totally take them in and let lily play mummy! (: xx

  2. i have been begging kiwi for a kitten! but sadly, he hasn't relented yet...

    these little ones are adorable!

  3. They are adorable! In my apartment complex there's a cat that sits on a window sill and just watches me when I come home. It always makes me smile :)

  4. i really wish kittens stayed kittens.

  5. ok. now i'm sold on your hood.
    (as if all of the other fantastic little things weren't enough. ha!)

    p.s. i'm so excited to have sweet little animals outside my backdoor.

  6. I'm so excited! I've just emailed you :) And also, I've always wanted a black kitten!

  7. aw, they're so adorable! :)

    and congrats to stephanie!

  8. what cute kitties!! that's so fun.

  9. So cute! i love kitties! the around my hood are all so stinking cute too!

  10. Eeee! Animals always have a way of making a house a home.

  11. Those little kitties are so stinkin' cute! And it's even better that they can just visit and you don't have to be ultimately responsibile for them...kinda like grandkids. :-)

  12. Aww they're twinners!

    We have two black cats too!

  13. those cats are adorable! love your blog!

  14. I am such a sucker for kitties -- we have two, and though they mostly drive me insane they are sweetiefaces!

  15. I love black kitties! Awwww they are adorable.

  16. I had a black kitty for 10 years and I miss her so much! This post and subsequent comments kind of reminds me of the Rashida Jones/Natalie Portman "KITTIES!" video.


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