07 July, 2009

let's put it to a vote!

levi and i want to have a picture of us printed nicely at a photo shop to frame and hang in our living room.

(is that vain?? maybe it's a little vain, but i don't care!)

anyway, i think we've narrowed it down to two choices so we're putting it to a vote!

i know i could do some fancy little poll thing, but i think i'm feeling too lazy right now, so just leave your vote in the comments!

here are the options:

option a:

option b:

the polls are now open!

{photo credits: option a was a joint effort by me and levi; option b is by me.}


  1. Option B is the only option. There is expression and happiness, the other one is way too cold.

    I really like your blog, so I will start following it!

    Street Art & Graffiti Blog

  2. they're both lovely, but I vote for two! It's really sweet and makes me smile.

  3. I vote for Option B :)
    You can FEEL the love!

  4. B!! but really, either one is amazing. you two are so perfect. :)

  5. i love them both!! you should get them both printed. ;)

  6. ooh i love them both! can't decide either.

  7. I think for the wall I would choose option A, but option B is one of my favorite pictures of the two of you, so both will look great. B just seems more personal and less like a large photo on the wall.

    I'm getting a new haircut tomorrow! I'm excited to experiment a bit :)

  8. B! B! B! I love both, but B is warmer in tones, in reality and all around because it's so lovely/lovey. And you both look painfully happy. B!

  9. as much as i love option a, option b is just too irresistible! option b is my vote!

  10. option b! it's so sweet...

  11. Option B! I think 'true love' when I see it. :)

  12. i love both pictures, but option b is my favorite because it shows how much you two love each other:) adorable!

  13. I like a its arty! And just so you know its not vain! It is your home! option b would be cute in a small frame on a dreser or desk!

  14. option bbbbbbbbbb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  15. I vote "A"! Its artsy and cool and would work in a living room. "B" is adorable but for my personal style, a little to intimate or sweet for a more 'public' space of the house.

    Can't wait to see one of them up!

  16. Even though you can't really see levi's face, i like option b the best.

  17. option b... i love the overall look of option a, but i dont think it captures your relationship as well as option b.

    then again, im not in the relationship- so i probably dont have the best understanding of it. ha.

    but i still vote for option b.

  18. Love them both! Option A very artistic but b is very romantic- either one would be good imo.

    I'm having a cute giveaway please check it out-


  19. those are both good choices...so different...i initially went with b but i am now thinking a, its just a different and unique picture....i honestly dont think you can go wrong...

  20. #2
    For sure. You guys look so happy!

  21. tough call! i think the 2nd one is precious, but the first one is so cool and creative!

  22. Go with the second picture!

  23. I really feel like option 1 is more fun and would get more comments from visitors. It's WAY more creative.

    But I think option 2 is SO CUTE!

  24. i think option 1 is better for a living room. 2nd one is better for a bedroom or something.

    also, i was reading your blog last nite and my hubby came in and we were baffled at how similar he is to levi!

  25. I adore both, but I am voting for option A.

  26. I would say option a. Not that option b isn't adorable, but option a has an artistic quality that would make it cool in a living room. Really, it looks like an art print, could be anyone, but BONUS it's the two of you!

    Can't wait to see the finished product! Cute pics!

  27. Option A. But frame a smaller Option B and put it somewhere in the living room. Both photos are lovely.

  28. I love photo two but I think that a self taken picture would be a little cheesy...maybe splurge and have a good photo friend take a new pic of the two of you for this express purpose (and to dress up and kiss eachother for the camera is always fun!). Otherwise, number one is perfect. Artistic enough and not self focused it would make a beatiful big wall print...and also Not Vain at all...have you ever been to a newlyweds home? Wedding pictures gaaalore, so why not just some good happy relationship pictures?!

  29. I think you should do both - because that is exactly how I see you: so wonderfuly quirky and adventurous and so romantic and i love. You gotta do both! xoxox I've been neglcting your blog - as I was sooo busy, but I'm back!

  30. i'm torn on this one. they are both so cute. i say A just for "classic" sake. and option b can go in the bedroom :)

  31. Mmm... can it be both??

    The first is so cute, but I love the candid notion of the second one... our "vain" portrait of my boy and I is a fairly candid shot that I took of us at the park, if that helps ^_^

    I think my official vote is for (a).. it's too sweet!

  32. Hmmm...A is more artsy but B is totally sweet. I vote for B.

  33. I vote for Option B! I love how artsy A is, but B is too cute =]

  34. um... def option a. dont want that "I'm taking my own picture" feel of the 2nd one.

  35. they're both so cute it's hard to vote! my first instinct was for option A... It reminds me of a fun, modern verison of "American Gothic."

  36. I love option A. The floor is so cool!

  37. Silly question. :) B takes it, hands down. I love anything that closely resembles a candid shot. Shows personality vs. just another "nice" picture.

  38. While option b is undeniably adorable, I think I'll go with a because in b you can't see Levi's face, and a is super cool.

  39. I vote option a! I think it's super artistic and would look great in a frame on your wall. I love it!

  40. i like them both, but i love B!

    how cute!

  41. Option B for sure, although I adore them both. And no I don't think it is vain, your home is a reflection of the two of you!

  42. they are both so beautiful!!!! I'll vote for B :)


  43. B. I usually like the more abstract shots, but you are just so in love. It has to be B.

  44. Hmmm, well Option A is more arty. But I think Option B captures the way you feel about each other...

    I say both!

  45. B is nice but I have to go with A. It is so cute and cuddly.

  46. B!! It's so honest I love it!

  47. A seems like it would speak more about the personality of you and your guy, but B is very romantic. And I'm a romantic, so B!

  48. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! x

  49. I like option B for a bedroom but maybe option A for somewhere that gets more visitors like your living room.

  50. option b! too cute, love the emotion in it, and i think it captures more of your true selves :)

  51. I say you do both!! But if I have to choose one... "B". You just look so in love. Aweeeeee!

  52. Definitely B, but A is also very cool.

  53. okee...i can see that B is going to be the winner but I have to vote for A! You look like models!

  54. If you are going big, I would go with option A. It's more artsy and would look cool blown up. If you're going smaller, then B is more intimate. They are both awesome!

  55. B is the best. This picture shows your personality and your love for each other.

  56. Option B! And it is definitely not vain to put up a picture of yourselves in your family room... just a nice reminder of how lucky you are to have each other!

  57. Option B. It's all about the love. Option a is funky too, but you want to feel your pictures.
    My 2c ( as a photographer!) :)

  58. a is much more artsy yet B is full with emotion. I'd pick B!

  59. a is much more artsy yet B is full with emotion. I'd pick B!

  60. Option B! It is so sweet and intimate!

  61. B! It really captures the love!

  62. I like number two better, but I think number one would give you guys a better look. You know what I mean? LIke number two's freakin' adorable and should be printed and in a small frame somewhere ABSOLUTELY, but if you're going to get a biug print, make it one with an edge. There's my vote. It counts as double because I'll have to stare at your walls when I come over and use you for your pool.

  63. Seriously, don't listen to these people. B is cute and all, but you'll look cooler if you go with A.

  64. Option A...more artsy!
    p.s. not vain at all!

  65. hands down, option B.
    way too cute to not go on the wall.


    it would look ballinnnn

  67. i vote for B.

  68. option b id lovely, but enlarged would maybe, possibly look rather over done, whereas option a enlarged would look very poignant.
    either way, both are fantastic.
    you could blow up and frame option a, and then get a fancy 5 x 5 old school print and just stick it in the corner of the frame, like you would in a mirror. the best of both worlds!
    ha, uh, sorry about the rant.

  69. option b!!!! i love that picture :)

  70. May I vote three times for B? It's too romantic to pass up :)

  71. ohhhhhh tough choice, I like them both! I think option a for a big picture and option b for a smaller picture (option b has a big picture could be a bit much?)

    good luck with your choice!!

  72. I can't decide! I really like (A) because it is different and I like to be different when it comes to my apartment but (B)is also nice. Traditionally nice.


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