12 July, 2009

happy sunday!

this is what our saturday night looked like - yahtzee on a makeshift bed in the living room.

i've been sick since wednesday night so this is the most i've been up for in a few days. :/

hopefully, i'll be feeling better for our "weekend" tomorrow!

happy sunday!

levi & jasmine

p.s. here's a little shred of a snippet of the very beginnings of my birthday painting from levi. (he wouldn't let me show anymore than this.) this is just the underpainting, but i love it already!


  1. OOOO a painting! Looking forward to seeing more of it :)

  2. He does hair AND paints???


  3. Gorgeous!!! We just moved Levi's painting to our office from our front entryway, due to a gift of a big mirror that needed that spot. Still need a better placement for it, hence why I still haven't shared a pic ;) LOVE it though

  4. Feel better missy.

    And can't wait to see the finished product!

  5. oooo (: It's so romantic that levi is painting you something for your birthday! Can't wait to see it (: and you sure have alot of self-discipline to not take a peek while he's working at it! I would totally be tempted to sneak a peek (:

  6. Your apartment is looking GORGEOUS! And Levi's artwork is amazing. Maybe I'll be able to buy one someday. I hope you feel better soon! If I was there I would make you some chamomile tea and cupcakes :)

  7. Feel better hun!

    Painting looks amazing xo

  8. i'm so jealous of your floors

    feel better

  9. Hope you feel better soon. My freshmen year of college my friend and I played Yahtzee for hours. We had to scream Yahtzee super loud every time we got one. :)

  10. Love games camped out on a living room floor. That painting's beginnings have the most gorgeous colours. I love the blues and red-ish orange with the yellowed beige whites. (reminds me of sunsets on the Pacific) xoxo

  11. I can't wait to see the finished painting! He sounds like one super talented guy!

  12. Aw, I hope you're feeling better! I haven't played Yahtzee in ages! My sister was always far luckier with the dice.

  13. Oh no! Not sick. I hope it wasn't the dizzies. And I hope you're feeling better.

  14. Okay. Where do I find a man who paints for me?

    Also, where do I find your swimsuit?


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