06 July, 2009

why we love our neighborhood reason #2

reason #2:
the church bells

we live across the street from a cute, little, catholic church.

we found out on our first morning in our new apartment that the church bells ring every morning at 8:00 am.

not the most amazing thing when you want to sleep in because they don't just count the time, they ring an entire song.

but after a few mornings, we realized that the bells only play soothing, pretty songs in the morning. so we just started getting used to them.

now i enjoy being woken up and lulled back to sleep by the pretty church bells.


  1. i would LOVE that! so great. :)

  2. church bells waking me up are my favorite thing in the world!!

  3. I just found your blog and absolutely love it. can't wait to read more.

  4. when i lived on campus in college, the little chapel would ring every 15 minutes-- and would play quite the song at noon.

    whenever i would visit home (then for a little while once i moved home), i found myself waiting to hear the bells ring.

    thanks for the reminder, it brought some good memories back!

  5. I absolutely adore church bells. :)

  6. the town i grew up in...a little "amish" town in pennsylvania..had a church just like this one across from our home. we woke every morning to church bells and loved it so much :)

  7. Ahhhh! Don't make me cry while I'm at work! Well, it's not your fault. When I lived in NY (all growing up as a child) we lived a street away from the Catholic church where my dad attended elementary school. It had bells that chimed all the time and I LOVED it. You're so lucky!

  8. this is so sweet (: Such simple pleasures hey? xx

  9. hehehe this makes me giggle a lot. i love it. i lived in a small town in italy where the bells rang all night long (every half hour) and at seven every morning did a big song thing. i hope you continue to enjoy the bells.

  10. church bells are probably one of the most soothing sounds - in my humble opinion, anyway :)

  11. that sounds really lovely. i think i am the only person that likes to sleep with the blinds open and be woken up to sunshine. weird, i know. i think those beautiful chimes would be heaven sent, haha.

  12. pretty! I had to get used to a helicopter flying over every other night (not always a good thing). I hope you two are enjoying your weekend!

  13. i'm pretty jealous.

  14. what a lovely way to wake up...

  15. LOVED this post!

    it made my morning ;)

  16. Wow, I'll bet that is really beautiful. :)

  17. How fun! When I lived in Florence, Italy I fell in love with the church bells. I now live near a church in the states but it sadly doesn't have bells to ring.


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