03 July, 2009

baby cakes

it looks like cupcakes can travel.

look what i received in the mail yesterday from emie at oh me, oh my wedding!

these are emie's adorable little baby cakes. they're a little different from a cupcake and quite tasty.

aren't they adorable?

she has a shop in the works right now, but if you'd like your own batch of baby cakes you can contact her on her blog for now!


  1. Miss Jasmine, you are so sweet. :)
    I hope you enjoyed them.
    Have a wonderful Holiday weekend.

  2. I want one!

  3. awww those are darling!! (:

  4. Me too please...yummy! (at first this post made me think you were in a wedding frame of mind...I got all on the edge of my seat) xo

  5. yummm... Those look delicious!

  6. Oh by the way it looks like they arrived a little mangled. Sorry about that. Next time I'll try wrapping them in bubble wrap. ;)

  7. Are those photos from Z&C's wedding on your table because you are preparing a dedicated post to them on their anniversary?? I already know. I am so cunning. You don't have to tell me.

  8. mmmm. adorable & delicious!

  9. so cute. may be little, but they look big on taste!


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