24 November, 2010

a birthday tradition

in levi's family, levi's mom made everyone a lemon surprise cake on their birthdays.

it's tradition.

levi told me about this when we first started dating, so when his birthday was approaching that year, i emailed his sister for the recipe. i baked it for him as a surprise. and now it's a tradition for us too!

when we have kids, i plan on waking them up early in the morning with a lemon surprise cake on their birthdays. you should be able to eat cake for breakfast on your birthday after all!

it is the best cake in the world. not very pretty (pretty ugly in fact), but VERY delicious. i love it. so easy too.

so here's what levi's birthday cake looked like less than 24 hours after i made it:


there's a fork in there because that's how most of it was eaten: straight out of the pyrex with a fork. ha!

the last row was quickly devoured after this photo was taken.

levi ate 80% of the cake. here he is eating the last bite:




looks a little sick, doesn't he? yeah, he woke up sick the next morning.

that's what happens when you eat the better part of an entire cake in one day, silly!


  1. Cutest tradition! Love it.

  2. aww cute! i agree cake should be eaten for breakfast every year. that's our tradition in our family too except we get an ice cream cake from baskin robbins every year

  3. Oh now.. that's just not right to tease with this yummy cake and not post the recipe! It's just... just... unAmerican!! Come on now.. please post it??

  4. I remember that cake from Julee!

  5. I also remember that my brother and I stayed the night at Merry and Levi's house when we were really young and Julee rain out of regular bread so she made us french toast out of rye bread. I snuck into the living room to call my mom and tell her that her cousin, Julee has seeds in her french toast ;)

  6. @lucy hahahaa! i'm sure that it didn't taste very good either! which cousin is your mom?

  7. My mom is Joyce. She and Julee were really close years ago. My brother, Taylor and I used to have sleep overs with Merry and Levi often before they moved to Lake Oswego. I'm Sara, the one that messaged you on fb about makeup for your wedding

  8. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/photo.php?fbid=121299621222500&set=t.553879713&pid=232068&id=100000273895679 this was the last time that I saw Levi

  9. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/photo.php?fbid=104105229608606&set=t.553879713&pid=107108&id=100000273895679

    you've probably seen these but this is my mom and Julee with all of us kids




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