03 December, 2010

happy friday to you!

i got THE BEST advice from all of you throughout the week when i asked for it on here and on twitter. here are a few of your words of wisdom:

- "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."
from someone via meganonymous.

- "We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope."
from Martin Luther King via Liesl.

- Do everything you can the best that you can and pray for help with the rest.
from sweet Geri.

- let the dishes go sometimes.
from amylou.
too bad i've been letting them go all the time lately! haha!

- Drink a bottle of champagne. Go to bed. Repeat.
from Taylor K.
ahahhaa! oh taylor!

- Don't have an abortion.
from cara.
AHAHAHA! i hope no one gets offended by that one. i don't think abortion is funny...i just think the advice is funny.

- Jesus, the smartest guy I know, said, "Don't worry about tomorrow for today has enough troubles of its own."
from Larzipan.
that's one i try to live by.

- "Do what makes you feel free."
from Brittan's roommate via Brittan.

- sleep, then coffee with something chocolatey for breakfast.
from gina.
best advice EVER. thank you very much, gina! :)

and finally:

from jessica.

oh yeah, i'd also like to share the best comment i've probably ever received. ever. it was on this post (the one with me & some evaporated milk):

- you are certifiably insane. i totally respect that. props.
from tracy.
oh tracy, you really made my day with that one & the sweet follow-up comment you made after. :)

let's all take these words of wisdom into the weekend and have a nice, relaxing, FUN one! and let's all try to say something sincerely & genuinely kind to at least five people today. i've noticed a lot of mean, negative comments & hurtful emails in the blog world lately - some of them directed towards me. some that made me feel like never blogging again.

i will start by saying something to anyone who's reading this:

i love and appreciate you. you help make my days so much better. i appreciate every single comment you leave, every single email you send. thank you so much for caring.

alright! that's enough! have a gorgeous weekend!


  1. can one of my five people be you? :)
    i've read your blog for well over a year now, and i really admire you. you seem to have such a great attitude towards things, even when they get tough. and when you do show a little bit of vulnerability, that's okay, because you never want to be pitied; you're just human.
    and i love how cute and quirky you are!
    don't ever stop blogging, i don't think you realise how good a role model you are.

  2. Thank you for sharing your sweet self (and your gorgeous husband-to-be) with all of us each day.
    love and smooches to you both!


  3. I love all of these!

    So glad that you enjoyed the advice. I have to repeat it to myself sometimes. HAHA

    p.s. If you are interested I have a giveaway going on at my blog right now.

    Amylou <3

  4. Awww, so glad you liked one of the quotes I posted for inspiration, and that things worked out! :)

    Liesl :)

  5. Yay! great words to live by! =) I'm digging your positive outlook in this post! I don't understand how some people could leave mean comments... it's just weird!!

  6. great words of advice!

    happy happy weekend!

  7. hi, i enjoy reading your blog very much. but i do find the 'abortion' comment extremely offensive. it definitely turned me off from continuing my reading today.

  8. being vulnerable, authentic, and real is becoming lost in the "pc" world we have created. i love that you share yourself genuinely with your readers and we should be supporting that...not so easily offended and put off by views we don't all agree with. please continue being jasi...a breath of fresh air with a little zing!

  9. I feel famous now that my piece of advice ended up in this post!

    Just for the record, "Don't have an abortion" is definitely funny and NOT offensive!

  10. OMG Cara totally wins. SO funny.

  11. under the category, Love Knows, "just so happens" this post was the medicine *I* needed. Giving is having.

  12. i do not find the abortion advice offensive at all. i can't see how it would be offensive on either side of the issue. if it made you laugh, and cheered you up a little at a time when you were stressed and worried then it did it's job.

    glad you are feeling better!
    don't let people's comments bring you down.

  13. you are so sweet... i adore you!! hang in there - you can do it! xo

  14. totally agree with Ms. Hunter :)

    a totally PC world is a boring one.

  15. I know I do not know you very well in person, but I have kept up on your blog for sometime now. You are one of the most real people I have ever "known". You aren't afraid to be vulnerable, or upset, or admit the times you have been wrong in a situation and have such poise while doing it. To me you are a strong, brave, smart, and honest person. And on top of that, a so so pretty, super stylish, very happy, big hearted woman. :) I know I speak for more than myself when I say you are one admirable person.

    Something I have learned over the past year, is that there will always be people who don't agree with you or may not even like you, but your friends, family and fans love you for you! So... keep being you.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. for the record--i didn't think the abortion comment could be offensive to either side of the fence--i guess i understand that the word itself might be to some. though i was being of humor, i was also being sincere. some of the best advice i've ever received was from a woman who had an abortion who told me not to get one. with my background, abortion had not crossed my mind, but i did get plenty of pressure and it was good to have someone on my side of the issue.
    and though i may regret "baby making" outside of a committed relationship, i am so proud of having my babe and the decisions i've made surrounding her.
    hopefully that is not offensive.

  18. That is some great advice!

    And who ever is talking badly about you in the blog world is jealous. I know that sounds like juvenile advice but I've learned over the years that its true. The only reason people talk behind you back is because you're already ahead of them. And the only reason people say negative things about people who have done no harm to them, is because they want what that person has. Don't take it personal...you have people who love your blog SO KEEP BLOGGING!!!!

  19. Jasmine, you are so sweet! I love reading your blog everyday. If something gets you down you somehow manage to overcome it. looking forward to monday's post.

  20. aww, i loved reading everyone's advice! now i'm off to follow amylou's advice and let the dishes go.



    -gina <3


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