01 June, 2009

what i like about you (and me), the second edition

good morning! i am writing this on sunday night because i have to wake up at 4:45 tomorrow morning to be at work by 7:00. blah, right?!? this should post at 7:00 which means that google won't update anyone until about 10 or 11. haha!

usually i don't work on mondays or tuesdays (that's when we take our "weekend"), but they needed me to this week, so we're just going to cram our weekend into tuesday.

annnnyway, i don't have much in terms of a post for you this morning, but i DO have a new banner that levi made for me! check it out! i love it. i am seriously going to look into how to turn it into a bumper sticker for my little werewolf.

and i'm also going to do my second installment of what i like about you (and me).

if you aren't familiar with this this, please read this post to get the concept.

for the second installment, i am going to tell you all something i like about adeline. she writes a blog called lady croissant. one of the things i like about adeline is how globally inclined she is. do you know that she speak FIVE languages?!? she grew up in france, and she is living in oslo, norway right now for the fourth time. she works as a tour guide which i find completely fascinating. adeline is also very creative. i love her little drawings and doodles, her photographs, and how creative she is with her wardrobe. i think what i like most about her though is how encouraging she has been to me with my blog. she is one of my "founding readers" and one of my first "blog friends." thank you, adeline, for being one of the few to read my blog when no one else did! :)

now it's time for me to tell you something i like about myself. i like how dedicated i can be. when i really, truly love something and REALLY want something, i will stop at nothing to make it happen (i mean, i'm not going to kill anyone or do anything immoral, but i will put a lot of hard work in). i have the ability to quickly calculate what i need to do to make something happen, and then i come up with ways to do those things. the thing i love most about this is that when i really, really, REALLY want to do or achieve something, none of it seems like hard work. i enjoy it because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. i think this is a pretty good trait, and i have complete confidence that i will always succeed at the things i put my mind to.

well, it's 9:30 pm right now, so i better get in bed. have i ever mentioned before that i am NOT a morning person? 'cause i'm not. 

at all.

good night! i mean, good morning!


  1. Awwww this is soooo sweet!!!!!!

    what a great idea, jasmine! I've been out of the loop lately, but I am BACK hahaha

    have fun at work & keep those allergies at bay...i'm allergic to cats too...what made you get one?

  2. Really cute post Jas!
    Its nice to say nice things about each other and I gotta say that its really nice to see how much you guys enjoy your life in any situation!
    A grand HELLO from Argentina!

  3. and the winner is... you!
    thanks for inspiring me.


  4. I was just wondering when your next installment of this awesome series would be (: thank you for making my day! I do like that you are so dedicated..we need more people like that in the world! I hope you have an awesome day at work..stay awake!! (:


  5. That would be the niftiest little bumper sticker ever! I love it and think you should make a bunch and sell me one! Hope your day is lovely in spite of having to work early. :)
    P.S. Tell Levi his banner is amazing.

  6. Bonjour ! first time i come across your blog, so im gonna visit it now :)
    well if you wanna be inspired by my collages or just dream, come and visit my blog :)
    a bientot !
    Boubouteatime xx

  7. LOVE the header! hope your morning went well!

  8. I love the header! And I'll never forget my first blog readers/followers either! Isn't that great?

  9. oooh tell Levi to make me one PRETTY please!!!!? ;)

    this is suuuuch a cute series! I remember my first blog friend. You always have a place in your heart for them.

    I am sooo not a morning person either. But i think i could use just a dash of your determination.

    cute cute post that made my Monday!

  10. Wow, you're new header is super cute!! Go to www.vistaprint.com. I think you can create your own bumper stickers on there and their prices are really great!! I've used their products to market my business for several years and even did ALL of my wedding stationery from them. Even my programs. They turned out beautifully. Good luck!


  11. i've been waking up at 6am this whole past weekend to do my "katie poppins" role.

    i'm exhausted. and i've taken to my bed today to veg out. it is sooooo needed.

    do you have any future veg-out days approaching?

  12. Dear Jasmine! What a great post again...it's so sweet. Love your new header and yepp I'm soooo NOT a morning person (too), so I understand you. Hope you have a lovely week, much love: Evi

  13. so cute! your blog is so inspirational :)

    you're tagged!

  14. i adore your new header, good job levi!

  15. Oh my god this has to be the sweetest surprise ever! Came back home after 13 hours at work (!) to find this lovely post which just put a huge smile upon my face.

    Thank you Jasmine.

  16. LOVE the new header btw!
    Congrats Levi :)

  17. i LOVE adeline!! This is my favorite one so far!!

  18. Awesome Banner, that Levi is talented! I will have to write you with my latest idea so you can help me figure out how to make it happen. lol apparently that is not one of my qualities haha. hope your tuesday weekend is amazing and that you aren't too tired after being at work so early

  19. Such a sweet post. ...And i'm definitely not a morning person either! I hope your day went by quickly. Mine was sooooooooo LONG!!!

  20. I love this post idea!
    I think its very sweet.
    I think that with the way our world is right now we don't hear enough good things about each other.

    I am truly smitten! :)))

  21. I love the new banner. It's great! Your Levi is so talented.
    Have a great "weekend" tomorrow. I can't wait to see how your new place is coming

  22. Reading you makes me appreciate life more. I am prone to get discouraged quickly and even though I am not the one to give up easily, sometimes my dark side can get the better of me. You are a true inspiration, Jasmine, I'm so happy to have found your blog! xoxo

  23. Oh, I looovve your blog and adore you. Thank you for all your sweet and supportive comments!

  24. So cute! I love your blog!
    Which is why I nominated you for the 'Lemonade Award'. Check out my blog for more information. Also, I posted the link to your blog on there, just so you know!

  25. such a cool series.

    i hope waking up at 4:45am doesn't turn into a normal thing for you... i'd DIE.

  26. Thank you jas, for being one of MY "founding readers" :) Btw, I like your car. I love boxy vintage cars!

  27. I have to say I love Adeline too, she is one of the sweetest and the funniest girl I know.
    And she is so supportive with people who blogs... thank for saying loud what everyone was thinking for themselves.

    And great header by the way.


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