19 June, 2009

my birthday pt. III - channeling huck finn

we found a tiny little stream to cross, and i channeled my inner little boy.

as girly as i am, i've always had a secret desire to be huck finn.

i obviously don't know anything about fishing.

...not that there were any fish to catch.


  1. It looks like you had an amazing birthday! That place looks fun, and has a lot of cool things to check out. Happy Birthday!

  2. you are giving me so many good ideas for my birthday!! woot, woot!

  3. p.s. i like the rounded edges of your photos!

  4. i can't wait to see the rest!

  5. Haha. These pictures are great! Looks like you had a lot of fun. :D

  6. Me too! What is it about Huck Finn? Coolest birthday ever btw! It makes me want to go to a river to play or perhaps skip rocks and head out on a raft. xo
    P.S. You are just way too pretty in the rock photo.

  7. I have a special Gypsy Feet picture I'm going to post and dedicate to you that goes along with this post perfectly. I think we might be kindred spirits.


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