21 June, 2009

happy sunday!

{we are finishing up my birthday celebrations tonight with a fancy dress birthday dinner with my family! don't you just love birthdays that won't quit?? i don't actually celebrate father's day (not until we have our own kids), but i hope you all enjoy your day with your dads!}

levi and jasmine


  1. We should have birthdays everyday! :) What is the theme of the fancy dress dinner? Can't wait to see pictures!

  2. Cute! Happy birthday!
    Aw you guys look so adorable together!!

  3. I'm glad your birthday celebrations are still going! (; have sooo much fun at your party and do take lotsa pictures (: enjoy your sunday, love! xx

  4. Awesome idea to dress up with the fam. I will now steal it from you :)

  5. I am a firm believer in extending birthday celebrations as much as possible. I celebrated my 26th for an entire month!

  6. aww fancy dressy dinners...i am green with envy!

  7. awww have fun!! I am going to demand that my birthday last this long too!

  8. you two are too damn darling. not celebrate father's day...all the more reason to celebrate the solstice! longest day of the year=late night hang outs!

  9. i'm so glad youve had such a wonderful birthday weekend! have fun tonight!

  10. every time I read your blog I want to chop all my hair off!

  11. Wishing you the happiest, most serene and lovely of coming years!

    ♥ Jessica

  12. I hope the finish to your birthday celebrations was fabulous! xo

  13. Happy belated birthday...glad I'm not the only one out there who doesn't celebrate Father's Day :)


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