i love makeup.
and i have a lot of it.
i keep it all in an old betsey johnson shoe box.
i do my makeup on the floor in front of a mirror in the closet in our bedroom.
i think i've always loved makeup, but i wasn't always allowed to wear it.
i remember in the 6th grade, i noticed that all the girls were starting to wear makeup.
everyone had a cover girl powder compact with a mirror. all the girls powdered their noses between classes in the bathroom with their compacts.
ohhhhh, how i wanted one too!
so for christmas, when i was 11 years old, my mom gave me a cover girl powder compact.
it was the first makeup i ever owned.
i still remember exactly how that powder smells.
do you remember your first makeup? how old were you when you started wearing makeup on a semi-daily basis?
Do I ever! I wasn't really allowed to wear make-up until I started into high school. I think my mom would have protested then too, but I didn't really give her the option.
ReplyDeleteI saved up all of my birthday money and bought myself my first make-up. I had Cover Girl too. Mostly because it was the cheapest. :)
oh my gosh, i do my make-up on the floor in my room too! so funny :) i started wearing make-up when i was probably 13 or 14 . . . and i was NOT very good at putting it on or picking good colors . . . i was such an awkward teen. bah, so glad those years are over! although, i can still be a little awkward, think that's just who i am :)
ReplyDeleteI almost never wear makeup. In fact, I only own a compact and one tube of mascara!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was younger, I was known for my cat-like eyeliner and sparkles!
Haha....Oh my gosh. I totally remember those compacts. That was the first piece of makeup I wanted so badly...and I got it. Everyone had one and they always carried it in the back pocket of their jeans...oh man I remember that smell...that is funny!
ReplyDeletehey, thanks for the comment.
ReplyDeletei was obsessed with mascara and i was allowed to start wearing it in 7th grade. let's just say i was pretty excited :)
i don't wear face or eye makeup.
coverup, conceler... eye shadows, mascara.
i'm allergic. my skin gets super irritated. i break out. my eyes get puffy, red and are sore days after.
but chapsticks & lipglosses
i can't live without.
i have every kind imaginable.
any flavor, colour, brand.
bring it on.
i think i read the book
Drop Dead Gorgeous at a young age and it made me fear the makeup industry a little. (if you haven't read it and you are a frequent makeup user- educate yourself!)
my mom took me to merle norman for my 13th bday so I could learn how to put makeup on. I ended up with an orange face! I did't start wearing make up regularly until after high school, and even now I don't wear much. I love eye shadow, mascara, and Lipstick Queens Medieval!
ReplyDeleteI still have one of those cover girl compacts, great for quick touch ups of sweaty faces :)
ReplyDeleteI think I was probably around 14 before I started regularly wearing makeup. I remember my mom would say, you should wear some lipstick and was actually encouraging me but I hated lipstick and thought it just felt all funny and weird on my lips :)
Now I always have to have my cover up, my bronzer and eye liner. Most days I do the rest too, but if I am in a rush those three are a must
haha (: This post is sooo cute! I first started wearing make up pretty late, at around 16 I think. And to be honest I don't even remember my first make up...but now I have tonnes of it! haha (: xx
ReplyDeleteI love make-up too.
ReplyDeleteThe compact smell reminds me of my mom. She always used to put her make-up on in the car (I know...that's a bad thing ;) )
I finally got to wear make-up in middle school, but love the "i'm not wearing make-up" look. (Except for eyes...mascara is my pretty!)
Love the shoe box...inspiring.
I started wearing mascara and eyeliner when I was 13, but I've turned into more of a perfume collector. I think it started when one of my Barbies came with her own perfume, and I can still imagine the scent.
ReplyDeleteMy mom wasnt around for when I started to wear makeup, but all I can remember was being 12 and trying to copy the magazines! hahaha Terrible results!
ReplyDeleteI remember the smell of cover girl powder as well, but it reminds me of my grandma. She would give me her old compacts and i would pretend to put the make up on! How funny!
ReplyDeleteMy first make up was clear mascara (my mom didn't want me to have black!) and some pale mauve color eyeshadow. I think it was in 7th grade when I started to try and put it on daily. :)
i'm 26 and i still haven't mastered the art of make-up! the most i can manage is a little lip gloss and that seems to work fine most days. :P
ReplyDeleteMy first makeup was also a Cover Girl powder compact! I'm still a fan of it too.
ReplyDeletei still don't really wear makeup but i totally feel you on the powder-smell. i specifically buy a certain powder because it reminds me of the way my mom smelled when i was little. same with lipstick- smells like grandma. and i always use medicated blistex because it smells like my dad. i love having scent memories.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't allowed to wear makeup until junior high. So the summer before 7th grade my mom took me to Estee Lauder to get a face care package and lesson. Then she let me wear powder and clear lipgloss. I don't remember the brand of powder, maybe it was Maybelline. (totally did not mean to give a pun...lol) After that I advanced to mascara and blush.
ReplyDeleteIn junior high, I loved to wear Jane's clear mascara and my Softlips chapstick. I always wore (and still do) my chapstick obsessively.
ReplyDeleteMy first *real* makeup was black eyeliner. When I was 16 I got REALLY into No Doubt and wanted to look EXACTLY like Gwen Stefani. I've worn liquid eyeliner almost every day of my life since then (and I still ADORE Gwen Stefani)
ReplyDeleteI was allowed to wear make during the summer before 7th grade. My mom's best friend drove me to the drug store and I got a cover girl compact (love the smell, especially the one with noxema **I think** in it, mascara, blush and Bohemian Bronze l'oreal lipstick.
ReplyDeleteahhh I remember. I wasn't allowed to wear make up till I was about 14!! But I do remember I used to sneak into my mom's room when I was about 5 or 6 and steal red lipstick, then I would put it on and pretend I was princess!I think I still have it. Such great memories
ReplyDeleteThat must've been so exciting.
ReplyDeleteI was a late bloomer and didn't hop on the makeup train until later, but I don't remember when exactly.
Love that you do yours in the closet, so cute.
I was probably about 15.
ReplyDeleteI loved it so much that I often slept in my makeup.
Pretty gross, huh?
Today I don't wear any.
Probably because the pictures from my high school years are atrocious thanks to too much makeup. ;)
Oh yes. For my 12th birthday, my big sister took me to Merle Norman for a beauty consult. I felt so chic. We stuck with very natural colors so I didn't appear to have makeup, but it did accent my eyes. I almost forgot about this. Thanks for the refresher. Your pic with you putting on mascara is gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteI wanted SO BADLY to wear makeup when I was young. I remember sneaking some horrible red lipstick to school in 6th grade and applying it before my class picture was taken. It looked awful but I felt so cool... until my mom saw the pictures! She pretended to be mad but I think she thought it was funny more than anything. She still brings it up every time she gets a chance. It's funny because I don't wear makeup at all now. Sometimes I feel like my girl card should be pulled but I really love my face most when it's just washed, moisturized and bare!
ReplyDeleteI love the mascara picture. Every girl needs one of those. I even have one and it's one of my favorite pictures of myself!
I think the first time I had makeup on my face was as an "unconscious" flower girl as little girl. Then it was 18, a conscious decision for prom. At 24, I'm now using it on a semi-daily basis. I'm a retard! Most of my makeup is free!:)
ReplyDeleteI love that you keep your makeup in a shoebox!
ReplyDeleteawe. makeup. how i love it.
ReplyDeletei was in 8th grade.
my "pretty" cousin decided to give me a make over... wow. cakey cakey cakey. but i thought i looked darn good. pastel pink lips. wooooo!!!
now. im obsessed.
i luff the shoebox, something i would def. do!
when I was 10, my mom promised me that when I got my period she would buy be Avon liquid eyeliner. Well, she didn't expect it to come 6 months later. It's been 17 years, and I'm still waiting for that eyeliner...
ReplyDeleteaww! loved your story. I still wear the covergirl compact... my mom always wore it when I was a kid, and now I wear it just like her- same shade too! and I remember after gym class in middle school all the girls had MAC Studio Fix (the really matte cakey powder) but it was soo expensive and I was never that cool. oh well I guess I'm a "cover girl" anyway- haha bad joke, love your blog xo
ReplyDeleteI do my make up on my bedroom floor in front of my mirror, too!
ReplyDeleteI can't remember the first make up I ever used, something I took from my sister, I'm sure. I started experimenting with make up around 6th grade, but never wore it daily til 11th-12th grade.
omg! cover girl was my very first make up too! The smell still reminds me of my freshman year of high school. I wore the powder and some wet and wild mascara and maybe some green eyeliner. I thought I was cooool beans
ReplyDeletethat is so funny that you mentioned the smell of a cover girl powder compact because that is EXACTLY what i was thinking about as i was reading your post. that smell is just burned into my memory. mine was about three shades too light and i paired it with clear mascara. good times.
ReplyDeleteI love makeup too! It's just so much fun.
ReplyDeleteI think I was in the 7th grade when I also noticed all of the girls using those Cover Girl compacts. So I asked my mom if I could start wearing makeup. She took me to Walmart (I think) and we got a Cover Girl compact that was semi-liquid, semi-powder foundation and a tube of brown mascara. She said black was too harsh for a young girl!
That was one moment when I felt just a bit more grown up — thanks for reminding me! :)
This post made me so excited to comment. Why yes, I DO remember the first time my mom let me wear make up! I was in the sixth grade and all i could wear was mascara and clear lip gloss, but my friends and i would sneak eye shadow on once we got to school :) So cute I love that picture too, it makes me happy to be a girl!
ReplyDeleteThe 1st thing me and my friends bought religiously were the Mac Studio Fix powders. And we would apply it constantly! :)
Mine was a covergirl compact too. That and a covergirl lipstick. Haha That was back in the 7th grade. Whoa sooooo long ago.
ReplyDeleteoh.my.goodness!!! the cover girl compact totally brings back memories...i remember the bum ring envy i would have because that is where all the girls at my school would keep theirs...in there back pockets...i wasn't allowed to have one either so i was always SO jealous of that circle in their jeans!
ReplyDeleteI remember the cover girl compact!!! Mine was purple. :)
ReplyDeleteI totally remember. I was in 8th grade and my mom bought me clear mascara. I thought it was the best thing ever.
ReplyDeletewhen i was younger i was all about the excessive glitter. it got so bad that my parents had to make a rule regulating how often i wore it!
ReplyDeleteoh the cover girl powdered era was the worst!
ReplyDeletewhite powdery faces with lop gloss/and or maroon lipstick don't forgets the pink and green lid mascara...such a bad look ;)
sadly, i still use that same 4 dollar mascara.
I LOVE the smell of cover girl powder.
ReplyDeleteI STILL use it.
I think my first make up was a cover girl compact too! This post definitely brought back some memories! Having that compact and shoving it in my back jeans pocket. Oh and lipgloss- I always had lip gloss. Now? My makeup has gotten a bit more expensive than covergirl, but I still have a ton of it. :)
ReplyDeleteI think my first make up was a cover girl compact too! This post definitely brought back some memories! Having that compact and shoving it in my back jeans pocket. Oh and lipgloss- I always had lip gloss. Now? My makeup has gotten a bit more expensive than covergirl, but I still have a ton of it. :)
ReplyDeleteLOL i remember that was my first product of makeup, too. after that, it was history. plus i remember applying it like 89 times a day