04 June, 2009

are we human or are we dancer?

i still DO NOT get that song.

what is he talking about???

and why is on his knees looking for an answer to that question?

of all the questions, why that one? how did he even think of that?

but, for the record, i'm dancer.


  1. thank god someone else finds that song to be as completely ridiculous as i do! seems like an attempt to be philosophical gone terribly wrong if you ask me.

    and since i am a horrible dancer, does that make me human? ugh. how boring.

  2. I'm a dancer too. I didn't sleep last night and I'm really loopy! I got free toe shoes at the hotel I work at and I'm wearing them right now. I was a gymnast, but toe shoes are so fun even though they hurt my toes.

  3. I'm a human and a dancer!

  4. Haha, either way I love that song like whoa.
    My partner played it NONSTOP when it came out :)

  5. Also, that photo looks like it could have been taken in our downtown.
    Very strange, seeing how we are in Ontario and you are definitely not!

  6. oh i cannot stand that song! i do NOT understand it. the only time i didnt cringe when it came on was during the VS fashion show... pretty.

    i love the pic though- from the background right down to your pointed toe!

  7. Maybe.... are you walking to the tune of life or dancing to the tune of life! I'm a dancer too! xoxo

  8. You are too adorable. I hope our little Bella grows up to be just as happy, funny and sweet as you. xo

  9. I had to have my student explain this to me. Here it is from Wikipedia:

    "...the lyrics were inspired by a disparaging comment made by Hunter S. Thompson, where he stated America was raising "a generation of dancers".[9] In an interview with Rolling Stone, Flowers said that he was irritated over the confusion about the lyrics and also that fans were unhappy with the song's dance beat: "It's supposed to be a dance song, [the beat] goes with the chorus...If you can't put that together, you're an idiot. I just don't get why there's a confusion about it."

    Hope that helps!

  10. OKAY. I'm officially an old lady. I don't even know what song you are referring to, but now I think I have to go check it out!

  11. ahah! ok according to Adele i'm an old lady because.. i've never heard that song either! but the answer to that question is i am definitely a dancer! lifes more fun as a dancer.. i'd say :)

  12. As Desiree said above, I was thinking the same thing - except that it looks an awful lot like Denver, Colorado! Strange!

    Thanks for your comment on Owl and Peacock!

  13. i love the killers. i'm down with lame lyrics if the song is good ;) glad someone posted about the hunter s. thompson quote as i was about to explain. xo

  14. haha jessica! i totally agree. i don't understand the lyrics from half the music i listen to! it's nice to finally know what flowers was referring to (the hunter s. thompson quote). i still think the reference is pretty obscure though, and the song still feels completely random. i don't mind random though.



  15. haha, i know right?!

    ps i love, love, LOVE the new header! :)

  16. Lol. Hubby and I were just talking about this song! Funny. are we dancer... the reindeer?? lol.

    So I tagged you.

    Go look at my blog.

  17. I kind of love that song, truth be told. But I never understood it until I read that comment on your blog about the reason he wrote the song. I always figure there's SOMETHING behind it, that it's not nonsense for nonsense's sake.

  18. Honestly, what is he talking about??? Love the song though!

  19. haha, love the pic, but not a fan of the song!

  20. i don't get this song either...and i'm with...i'm a dancer(i'm just not a good one).

  21. thankyou for the comment! your blog is such a feel good find. you look like youe having a ball..p.s: liking your blog name too! :) *

  22. I'm not human, I'm a princess! :)

  23. Ugh Thank you!! I always wondered what the hell he was talking about. Glad someone else feel the same way.

  24. hmm..i've always wondered that too..that song is pretty though..
    p.s. i lovee catching up on your blog..havent been reading, because i've been so busy, but now that i have a few extra minutes i'm trying to catch up! :)

  25. I enjoy the song but find the lyrics maddeningly obscue - even the Hunter S Thompson explanation didn't help. Would-be dancer, but more likely barely human.

  26. dancer! definitely a dancer =)

  27. i love it because it sounds like he's asking, are we human or are we martian...like dancers are a whole different species from another planet. i don't think lyrics should make sense. i think you should have to feel something when you hear a song and that's why this song defined my new year this year. it made me feel so alive and so full of dancing off the walls energy with all my friends; like my heart and limbs would explode with bursting stars. it's cheesy, but i love it and if you're going to be on your knees for something i say good-bye drama and instead let it be for understanding the fun and rollicking rhythms and desires and passions of dancing through the universe!


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