31 May, 2009

happy sunday!

levi and jasmine


  1. you look soooo relaxed! (: sigh, I wish I could lie around this weekend too. enjoy your sunday ;) xx

  2. Would love to lie down on a pile of pillows like that!

  3. Hey there!
    Nice to "meet" you both, and check out your blog.
    I am now officially a follower :)
    I look forward to getting to know you more!


  4. happy sunday to you too!

  5. OMG you guys are so freaking cute!!!! WHAT A FAB PHOTO!

  6. Cupcake Swap for sure!! That would be so fun. Are there a lot of antique and thrift store around where you live?

    How I love Sundays! So relaxing, they def. help me start the week off with happy feelings.

  7. Such a great photo! Hope you had a great weekend :)

    Love the blog!

  8. I hope your weekend was beautiful.
    BOOO! Monday [in a few hours]

  9. cute new banner! did you draw it?

    I love black and whites, but can't ever seem to do it to my pictures, i always love the colors too much :)

    p.s. I love a man who will take turns doing the "arm held side shots"...that way the girl doesn't have to look like the BIG FACE every time...thats true love ;)

  10. What fun you two have. I'm jealous!

  11. What a cute photo! I love your previous post too - I think all too often we don't do enough counting our blessings and appreciating the small things in life.

  12. Oh, why can't it be Sunday again? Monday is kicking me in the butt.

  13. Just wanted to say that I love your blog and think that the two of you are adorable.

  14. cutest pic ever! as you can see i am trying to quickly update myself with everything that is going on in your life hahahahaha oh man I've missed too much. I gotta email you back as well hahahaha I am slow on the uptake.


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