04 May, 2009

does anyone else...

...go up to their rooftop just to dance and spin?
...duck when birds fly at your car?
...sometimes forget you're in the real world (versus blog world) and almost start commenting on how cute a stranger is to her face OUT LOUD?
...eat the bottom of a cupcake first and save the top (with all the cream cheese frosting) for last?
...still dream about one day having a pony, elephant, dolphin, or baby lion as a pet even though you're all grown up?

...or is it just me?


  1. Loooove this post!! And yeah, I do some of those things ;)

  2. I do all of those things....except my dancing is in the streets and I skip instead of spinning!

  3. I do all those things, except dancing on the roof (not possible in my home, although I wish it was). Great photo by the way!

  4. awesome! i totally feel all of those things haha

  5. I totally duck when birds fly by.. and when I drive through parking garages! :)

    Awesome picture!!

  6. I think giving stranger-comments is the best (and I like getting them too). You should always catch yourself doing this.

    In this picture you look like a modern Grace Kelly :)

  7. i duck AND squeal when birds fly at my car. and i'd give anything for a baby tiger! i love that picture, too! i wish i had a rooftop to dance on ;)

  8. ohhh! i love this post:) and yes, i do all these things - minus the roof, as its not possible where i live!

  9. my dad actually still tries to bribe me with buying me a horse if i move to greece. i keep reminding him i'm not 13 anymore and that i don't have any career options in greece ... but secretly i want the horse.

  10. I try and eat the frosting off other peoples cupcakes (: and i still stand by that i'll have a pet pig eventually..despite whatever people say ;) have a great week!

  11. lovee that photo. :]
    its dreamy.
    cute post. :]
    i find myself agreeing with the complimenting strangers one. :]

  12. aw how funny! Scott and I just up to the rooftop to take Polaroids and Lomography photos! This is very cute!

    Is this a real Lomography photo? I am doing a series on something and if this is real, let me know :)

  13. it is down right impossible not to save the top of the cupcake for last...

    happy monday! thanks for such a great way to start the week!

  14. I have totally ducked when I saw a bird flying at my car. O, and I still dream about having a king kong! I know it's not a pony or anything like that but I want a King Kong so bad.

  15. cuute post girlie :) we all have those childlike fantasies haha I used to want to be a mermaid when I was little and I still think it would be kinda cool...hehe have a great Monday!

  16. yup did all that! Happy Monday lovely!

  17. I tend to find myself leaning to the right whenever the road is taking a sharp turn to the left in attempt to balance the car :$
    I love how much of a cute post this is!

  18. I'll always want a pony! And love the pic. Looking at it really makes me miss Cali and the big city.

    P.s. I wish I could even get to our rooftop because I would DEFINITELY dance on it.

  19. It's just you.


  20. i definitely comment on how cute strangers are, especially strange babies. i've had a couple parents turn their strollers around on the subway and in line at target. i also hold my breath when i'm under the water in the shower. i wish i had a spinable/danceable rooftop surface. someday. . .

  21. yes, yes & yes!

    I always compliment strangers ^_^ I think it makes their day.. and if I'm wrong, well it makes mine too!

  22. I love these, especially the one about ducking when a bird flys up at the car. And I always eat my cupcakes bottom first =) xx

  23. I definitely duck with birds fly by - and I love that you dance on the roof!

  24. {hopefully} everyone knows that the frosting is the BEST part! and I was fortunate enough to go to the beach and I did ballet alllll over the huge white logs that were all over the shore. I didn't even care that some old couples started watching me from the walkway above. :)

  25. i ALWAYS eat the bottoms of cupcakes first so i can save the top for last. mmmm

  26. okay...for the first thing that I have read going into your blog, this is amazing. I think that I am going to love you:)

  27. Your photo is beautiful. Gorgeous.

    I wish I saved the top of a cupcake for last!

  28. i know we are just "blog" friends, but i truly believe if we stumbled across each other's paths in the real world, we'd be real-life friends.

    three days ago, while walking to rehearsal, a pigeon came directly flying at my head. or at least, i thought it was. i screamed and ducked, wrapping my arms over my head.

    it caused quite a stir. no one else seemed to think the birds were flying particularly low that day. but i was spooked.

    {ps} cream cheese icing is my favorite.

  29. I stumbled across your blog a couple days ago and I loveee it!
    I just wanted to say that you and Levi are easily one of the cutest, God-loving'est couples I've seen in the blogosphere.

    And, driving home today, a red-tailed hawk swooped down in front of my car and I totally ducked.

    <3 Grace.

  30. lovely post :0)

    My mom was living in Costa Mesa for a year...it was wonderful visiting her. I must say that I absolutely love the grocery stores in California...they are refreshing hahahah I know that sounds uber weird.

  31. Awesome post:) Beautiful pic:)

  32. hi jasmine.
    i've been a little anti internets as of late but it looks like you have hardly missed a response for me given your 500 comments (: congrats on the job, say yes to magic and childlike enlightenment, and i'm glad to be connected to your blog.

    thanks for the comments. you are a dear for taking the time.


  33. i have horrible balance. so spinning often results in some type of unfortunate downfall. yes to everything else though.

    Only instead of a few animals, I've often dreamed of owning an entire safari park. A goal of mine I'm still striving towards...

  34. I doooo! I do all of those things! I love this post and adore this picture of you - you are so lovely!


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