17 May, 2009


we just had an earthquake. 

it wasn't a big deal,
but it kinda scared me.

and i might have cried a little.


  1. I just read about 50 tweets about the earthquake -- I'm glad you're all ok down there!
    I've never felt one myself.

  2. I am glad you are okay, and that there was no report of any harm :)

  3. I know it was crazy! my cats ran under the table and the boyfriend and I ran for cover! So glad it was just a small one!

  4. That sounds soo scary! I've only been in one once and it scared me to death. Hey, lady, I gave you a lovely blog award in my latest post... You've probably been given it before, but I don't care. I like you, I really like you. :)

  5. :( don't cry! i'm glad you're safe and doing okay :)

  6. if it makes you feel any better, we live in the kraemer building of anaheim, on the 6th floor!
    it's the oldest building in orange county @_@
    we feel it worse than anyone. i cried at the one last year because it was the first one i experienced in the apt. scary, huh??

  7. oh gosh - hope ur fine! live in Rome .. had a big earthquake about a month ago (in abruzzo) .. wasn't here at this time... but ya. just hope ur fine! take care .. and I LOVE ur blog! it's the first page I check in the morning *g* ciao e buon giornata (nono - i'm not italian - i'm swiss ... but live in Rome as an expat *g*)

  8. I hope everything is ok, we had an earthquake in Italy last month that was terrible a whole city has been swept away :(

  9. eww that is scary. I would have cried to for sure. Glad to know you both are ok though.

  10. How scary! That's one nice thing about the East Coast--we don't have earthquakes.

  11. Wow that does sound scary. I've never experienced one of those before. hope it didn't spoil your monday (:

  12. We felt it to but just a little bit. I didn't cry but u sat there with my eyes wide and mouth open for about 5 minutes.

  13. That would be so unnerving! Glad you're ok!!

  14. (my way of showing I care even though I don't really know what to say)

  15. oh boy! i just saw it on the news and I thought about you!! i'm glad you are safe and sound... and blogging!

  16. We felt it all the way down in San Diego! It was my first earthquake! We were in the middle of a Yo-Yo Ma performance and he didn't even skip a beat.

  17. We often get little earthquakes in San Franciso, and even though my husband says, nah, it's nothing ('cause he survived the big earthquake of '89) my nknees still get a bit wobbly and my eyes a bit teary! 'Cause we're girls, we are!xoxo

  18. Ahh lucky! I missed it! :(

  19. Yeah, we felt it down here too. My thought is always "What is that? Is that an earthquake? Yep, it is. Ok, is this serious enough to move to a doorway? Where's the dog?" And that's all in a tiny split second, and then it's over.

    I'm always waiting for it to happen while I'm in the shower.

    At least you didn't pee your pants.


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