01 May, 2009

story time!

i wasn't planning on saying anything until i knew for sure what was going to happen, based on what happened here then here. but then i realized that this is life. people are disappointed, blown off, and let down on a regular basis. my blog is a documentation and reflection of my actual, real life, not my "blog life." so i decided to share with you. and if i get disappointed again, oh well. at least i won't be hiding how human i am.

soooooo, with that said, I HAD A BIG GIANT INTERVIEW today.

for a job that i kinda think i'm gonna get.

it's a banquet serving position. not what i went to school for, but who cares?? i need a job! i was a wedding and event coordinator for about five years so i know the industry well.

so this is how my day went:

i woke up (really nervous), took a shower (really really nervous), and ate my surprise breakfast presented to me by levi:
a rainbow sprinkle donut and a red bull
(this probably didn't help my nerves)

got dressed, put on makeup, got my hair styled by levi, and kissed him goodbye

drove to Los Angeles and arrived at my 11:30 interview at 10:45 (i'm early when i'm nervous.)


drove home and rewarded myself with a cupcake in the park (under the watchful gaze of that little guy)

thank you for sending me off with so many prayers and well wishes this morning! it certainly helped! i'll be sure to share what happens, good or bad.

post-edit note:
soooo, not five minutes after posting this, i got a phone call.

letting me know that I GOT THE JOB!!!

i start on monday.



  1. CONGRATS!!! It's like an answered prayer times ten!

    you should do a post about levi and his salon if anyone that reads your blog is in your area! everyone loves your 'do!

  2. aw! congrats!!! i sure hope you're not commuting to LA everyday! do you service events throughout the la & orange county??

    ps. i love the way you wrote this post...it was so excited to read the end update..hehe.



    and I love the pic of Levi styling your hair. can I have one like that?!

  4. Congrats!!! So awesome! I can't believe Levi does your hair. How lucky!

  5. Oh my gosh, Jasi!!! How come you didn't call me right after they called??? YES! I am so excited for you!

  6. i couldn't call without telling levi first! but he just called so now i will call!

  7. Congrats, lady! I love your play by play with photos, so cute.

    Have a great weekend and good luck on Monday. :)

  8. Congratulations - now go enjoy your weekend!

  9. woohoo! way to go!

    (p.s. that teeny tiny "eeeeeeek!" was so cute)

  10. Oh that's so exciting! I'm so happy for you!

  11. I can't think of a sexier way to feel like a million bucks {for an interview} than to have my lover do my hair....granted he knew how ;) Sweet news...

  12. Hurray! Hurrah! So happy for you! God, I can so clearly remember the horrible feeling before the job interviews. Yikes! And, I'm also early when I'm nervous. Once, I was so early to a job interview that they actually thought (while interviewing me) that I was the person scheduled before me. Ha! I got that job. Despite or because being so early?
    Btw, you are so damn cute!

  13. that's such great news, congratulations!!! what a great start to the weekend, good luck monday!

  14. congratulations! i am always WAY early when i'm nervous!

  15. That is awesome!! Good for you :)

  16. Mabrook!!(congratulations in Arabic)
    I am happy for you :)

  17. this is awesome, i'm so excited for you!

  18. Congrats on the new job!! There is no job worse then looking for a job, it takes up so much time and it just sucks. Your blog is delightful by the way!

  19. I'm so happy for you Jasmine !!! Congrats !!! :)

  20. Congrats =)
    Love the pictures aswell

  21. yay!!! 119 worked. {unfortunately, i did not win the lottery} haha, but the recording department is giving me a free hour of recording and full refund on my initial recording fee.

    wee. kind of like winning the lottery... kind of.

  22. Yay!! (and ps, I love your hair, it's so lovely)

  23. Congratulationsss beautiful!
    Exciting monday indeed...
    Now enjoy the weekend dear!!!
    ~XO*& blessings

  24. Oh my! That's the best news ever! Bet this is going to be a great weekend for you! Good luck on Monday! x

  25. Your blog is adorable. I've enjoyed browsing here on a rainy morning!

  26. That's so amazing! Congratulations.

    And yes, I understand technological difficulties. I'm looking forward to your hair post! I'm recutting my hair in two weeks (I always wait until my boyfriend can be with me), so I'm trying to find a new look before then!

    That's super exciting!!!
    I loved how you documented it!

  28. congratulations :) it's awesome that you've found a guy who styles your hair-- what a catch!

  29. YAY!!! Congrats!!! :) I had a strong feeling you'd be getting a job soon!

  30. congratulations jasmine!! i'm so happy for you :) i love your pics lol, so cute!

  31. congrats! (;
    interviews scare me to death.
    props to you for conquering one! (:

  32. congrats! Interviews can be scary!

  33. I so thought it was to do with a job but I was thinking it was the flower shop one...(hence my wishing you a flowery Friday)... You will do fabulous at this one!! You seem so energetic, creative and fun....it is perfect..Congrats!!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  34. So you don't "know" me but I have been reading for a while...(found you through rockstar diaries) anyhow, just wanted to say CONGRATS on the job. What wonderful news.

  35. Dear Jasmine! Thanks so much for the anniversary wishes and stopping by on my blog. Oh and thanks a lot for the compliment too (you made my day). Have a lovely Sunday, love: Evi

  36. Congrats from rainy England. Your post was just the ray of sunshine I needed this wet morning.

  37. hey jasmine! i just stopped by and i like the way you write!


  38. thanks so much for the compliment and taking time to check out my blog.

    I have to tell you, you remind me so much of my sister-- outgoing and so positive--makes reading your blog so exciting. Hope everything goes well at your new job!

  39. That's great news! I look forward to you 'keeping us posted'.


    {what did I tell you} - I actually forget what I told you, but it was really good...about there obviously being a BETTER job out there for ya! Good job chica!

  41. CONGRATS!! i'm so happy for you! that's wonderful!

  42. Well, I'm a little late to the party, but...CONGRATS!! What wonderful news! xo

  43. Oh, congratulations! I'm soo happy for you! I read this the day you posted it (but not the happy update!) and have been thinking about it ever since. For a long time, I didn't even want to write about my relationship whatsoever because what if the whole thing fell apart and then I felt stupid?

    I loved these words: "my blog is a documentation and reflection of my actual, real life, not my "blog life." so i decided to share with you. and if i get disappointed again, oh well. at least i won't be hiding how human i am."

    Thank you! That really inspired me. I think I'm going to have to write a post about it at some point... Again, congrats!

  44. Congratulations with the job!

    I only recently started reading your blog and it makes me smile :)

    Hope it all works out!

    t xx

  45. hey, I'm a banquet server! at a Marriott hotel...i get to wear a burnt orange shirt and a vest!


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