08 May, 2009

a thank you card

dear levi,

thank you for vacuuming and cleaning the bathroom. i must say, it looks
much better...even if we do still have emerald green carpet. lily wants me to let you know that she really appreciates you cleaning out her litter box and picking out all kinds of new food for her to try. and while we're on the subject of thank yous, i would like to also thank you for always telling me that i'm skinny and beautiful and for always feeding me when i am hungry, even if i do turn into a mean, scary monster. i love you very very much. so does lily.

love always,
your girls
jasmine & lily


  1. Aaawwwww so sweeeet!!! Happy Friday gorgeous!

  2. Oh my goodness. Lily is so cute!!

  3. Great photo! Lily looks like a fun-loving kitty!

  4. lovee that picture. :]
    and such a sweet note! :]

  5. i didn't know you had a cat! it's cute!!

  6. hahah i love that picture of lily!

  7. Very cute.
    Have a beautifuk week-end.

  8. awe yay for happy little notes!

    (and we also have a fairly tragic green carpet in our den.. oi)

  9. Can I have your dress? It's fun!

  10. oh my!!! lily looks like she has a sense of humour! love it (: Don't you adore it when your pet poses for the camera! I do (:

  11. Wow, your man vacuums? How wonderful ! I'm not even sure my husband knows where the vacuum is, lol. Have a lovely weekend, Miss Jasmine.

  12. oh oh oh! cute post.

    however, i'm much too distracted by your outfit (and lily's googly eyes). love the necklace, and is that a shirt or dress? the crochet top is perrrfect. please please please let me know where you found it.


  13. hee hee...i just told captain yesterday that i love him because he feeds me when i am hungry. this is very important as i turn into a monster if i do not eat every four hours.

  14. Lily's so ghetto cross-eyed. Downtown suits her.

  15. carpet in the bathroom, i must say too fabulous for words. no need for a bath rug! and you'll never forget it :) oh boyfriends, what would we do without them?

    {ps} i'm totally looking forward to your blog project
    {pps} happy 150 followers :)

  16. actually the green carpet is everywhere EXCEPT the bathroom...i guess my wording was confusing. oh thank you Lord for not letting them put this hideous carpet in the bathroom. thank you thank you thank you!!!

    and thank you, katie! shouldn't i get a cake with the pictures of all my followers on it or something? or better yet, 150 cupcakes with pictures on each one. i like that idea. a lot.

  17. oh yeah, i should say something about the dress i'm wearing. it IS a dress, and it's from anthropologie when i worked there last summer. so is the belt i'm wearing (you can't really see it). i don't usually wear it with black underneath but i was headed to work and wanted to make my change into uniform easier. :)

    oh! and my necklace is janna conner. i wear it EVERY day...you've probably already noticed!

  18. Jasmine...Lily is adorable!! This post makes me smile.

  19. THank You for the comment! Your cat is so cute! This post is really sweet

  20. You're not the only one who becomes a monster when you are hungry :)

  21. what kind of camera do you have? i heart your photos...

    also, levi is too sweet...

    ps - have a marvelous weekend...even though i know your real weekend doesn't start until monday.

    did i mention that my mom lived in costa mesa...oh it's so beautiful there...its like a fresh of breath air

  22. I think my husband needs a thank you note as I have been a bit of a monster! This is lovely:)

  23. Levi is a real catch - vacuuming! Your kitty is GORGEOUS. I have 2 myself and am mad about them.

  24. what a sweet post! oh how i adore your blog! MAKES ME HAPPY!

  25. let levi know that he can use my motto awwday and awwnite hahahahaha

    hope you have a happy weekend. I know you don't do anything til monday, but I hope you do something spur of the moment :0)

  26. I looovve this photo of you!

  27. In addtion to our FOUR freakin... how the hell did that happen.. human kids.. we have 17 pound Don Sonny Corleone Dipola.. licker of hineys.. one who growles at the door bell and snores like a human in need of gastric bypass... and Miss Coco Channel DiPola.. diva of the shedding set and howling hoore of the back yard mamacitas. How I adore and GET cat people!


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