05 May, 2009


so i started a new job yesterday, and that's great because i'll be making money and everything, but i think i might be more excited over the fact that.....

my hotel is less than 3 miles away from the most amazing macaron shop i've ever been to! i suspect that my future will be filled with lots of tiny, little, delicious treats. oh yay!

plus, the hotel is really cool and all.


  1. cherry on top of the ice-cream! have a nice day lovely!

  2. OoOoO lucky you !!!
    I LOVE macarons.

  3. Congratulations! Life is good :)

  4. macaroons are probably the happiest desserts around! I like that they come in a gazillion colours and you can pick and choose the one you feel like eating based on your mood (:

  5. Yummy!!! :)
    I've heard that Paulette makes some of the best macaroons!
    Hope you're enjoying the new job!

  6. Woo! Congrats on the cookies... and the job, obviously.

    Thanks for the compliment!

  7. 1. the littler the treat the better!
    2. a job a job a job!!! hurray!
    3. The picture of you dancing on the roof makes me smile everytime I pull up your page.

  8. how exciting...that is the best news ever!

  9. i love little treats. but i especially love having a job so i can pay for my sugar addiction.

  10. Congratulations on the new job!!! And the macaroons DO look amazing

  11. glad your job is going well :) i've never had a macaron, are they good? thanks for the coffee info! i'm seriously going to check out that website. i freaking love coffee, but as i've said before, we're pretty limited to the good stuff here in utah county :P have a wonderful day!

  12. congrats on the job! i was hoping to read good news sooner, or just good news because of last time @_@

    this is good news for a great future! i know exactly what this means for a couple because my husband and i went through these times.

  13. oh! and you have macaroons in long beach!!


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