20 April, 2009

uh oh.

we just started Elizabethtown. this movie makes me wanna go on a road trip something fierce. and that is one dream that we'll just have to keep putting on hold for awhile. for now, we can live vicariously through Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst.



  1. Hello JASMINE, I visit your blog already. Actually, as a Chinese people, this is the first time that I write my word in a foreign people’s blog. Nice blog, god bless you.

  2. ooh, i love that movie :) it made me want to go on a road trip too!

  3. thank you, woog! that's very sweet of you. :)

    maddie, you have good taste. haha!

  4. oh, this has nothing to do with this post. although, i will say that he looks rather good in this photo. i don't know how to get ahold of you either way (: and my question is.. where did you get the html help for you page? i hate how mine is set up.. i need things to be on both sides before it drives me crazy, haha. help?!

  5. Too bad Kirsten Dunst is the devil.

  6. I never really appreciated ABBA's songs until I watched Mama Mia. I truly enjoyed that movie and even convinced my sisters to watch it with me =) when it came out on DVD

  7. i adooore you!!! Found you via the equally adorable "Rock Star Diaries."

    SO GLAD you saw this movie! isn't K Dunst great in it? I will leave you with one of my fave quotes from the movie:

    Claire Colburn: Sadness is easier because its surrender. I say make time to dance alone with one hand waving free.

  8. I love this movie. It's the kind of movie I could watch anytime.

  9. i.freaking.love.this.movie. alot. cute blog.


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