15 March, 2011

the weekend to beat all weekends

this weekend may have been the best weekend of my life.

i know that i'm prone to exaggeration, but i seriously had one of the best weekends i've ever had.

i got to spend a good chunk of it with camilla, jenny, and stacey. we had ourselves a little blogger slumber party at the hotel maya in long beach.

did we sleep?


we stayed up all night talking and laughing about everything under the sun. i feel like i've found "my people." i haven't connected with people in this way in a long time. we all just clicked. would you think i'm really super duper cheesy if i said that it was almost kinda magical? 'cause it really was.

we all understood each other's passion, sensitivity, jealousy, insecurity, motivation, and need for inspiration. i was able to be really open with them about A LOT of things - body image, marriage, family, PMS, hopes and dreams, my values, and my love of shopping.













it was actually kind of a life changing weekend. we were all able to share a lot of personal stuff and offer support to each other. it was really liberating to discuss blogging and the role it plays in my life with them because they actually understand what i'm talking about! do you have any good friends in the blogging world? isn't it awesome to have people who understand this part of your world?

i love each of these girls with my whole heart, and i feel so incredibly blessed to call them my friends.

now we just need to figure out a way for us to all live in the same corner of the world so we can share more good old fashioned girl time.


p.s. i apologize to all of my twitter friends. i've probably been annoying you with all my tweeting to these three!


  1. awww i totally agree with everything you've said!!!!

  2. what a perfect weekend! i totally agree that it's nice that blogger friends "get" where you're coming from.

  3. It looks like you had an amazing time. Finding a great connection with other people is one of the best experiences in the whole world. I don't have blogging friends (yet) but I imagine it would be a great connector!

  4. you girs are all so cute and looks like you had such funny silly loving girl time!

  5. Not to be rude BUT.....i literally couldn't have said it better myself! :) We are soul sisters!!!

    I loved the PS cause I was thinking yesterday that everyone on twitter probably wants to kill us!

  6. 1. Looks like ya'll had a blast, yay!

    2. The last picture is gorgeous, you're all glowing. Probably all radiating from finding "your people."

    3. The rack display pic is kind of hilarious. That is what you're doing, right?

  7. I've also met some incredible people through blogging who understand why I do it and have continued to through all kinds of situations... but so far I've only met two - and now we are amazing friends in "real" life too!

  8. @julie - hahaha! that is tooootally what i'm doing. i couldn't get over how big my boobs felt since it's that time of the month. plus, i had the smallest ones there...my little A cups.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. looks like a wonderful weekend!! blogger friends are so great :)

  11. seriously, what a PERFECT weekend!!! blog friends are the best, especially when you live close to one another because you're right-- you can discuss EVERYTHING including blogging and they get it :) i'm so thankful for my girlfriends and looking forward to our "blogger meet up" this summer!!! :)

    that last photo of all of you is PERFECT!!! such pretty girls :)

  12. wow! i absolutely love the photos! craziness is a understatement! :) hahaha!! sounds like a perfect weekend!! :)

  13. How fun! Looks like you girls had a fabulous time!

  14. I'm so jealous! This looks like so much fun. I only "know" you and Stacey and wished all of my favorite bloggers lived in the same state so we could have blogger parties.

  15. totally jelly! you girls are so cute and fabulous!

  16. awww. this is the sweetest post. I know exactly what you mean. I feel like "real life" friends just don't understand the blogging world sometimes. I'm so thankful for the people I have met in the blogosphere, and I would love to come see you one of these days. Maybe we could photograph you and Levi one day for a "faux" engagement shoot.


  17. I'm glad you had fun, it's so great when you finally meet people who you can connect with on all levels, cherish that...I know you will :-)


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