18 March, 2011

i know what YOU should do this weekend!

you should make the delicious shrimp dinner i made last night!

it's camilla's recipe, so levi and i called it camilla scampi.

it was delicious and VERY easy to make. and pretty inexpensive too! MUCH cheaper than ordering it at a restaurant. ours would have been cheaper, but i spent a teensy bit extra on the wine i cooked with.



because who could resist a bottle that pretty?
(camilla, the wine was inspired by you!)

i followed her recipe to the tee except i added half of a lemon. the wine i chose to use was a riesling.




i served it over a little bit of angel hair pasta with a simple salad, french bread, and a teeny glass of riesling.

it was sooooo good.

get the recipe here. next time i make this, i'm going to try my hand at making my own baguettes which camilla also did here. if i'm feeling super ambitious, that is...


  1. sofia has a riesling?! oh my.

    i have a sofia bottle on my dresser holding flowers. it's so pretty. i'm vegetarian so i can't try this recipe but it does look so lovely.

  2. Okay that looks absolutely delicious, Oh My Lord!!

  3. Delicious! I want to make this!

  4. I'm allergic to shellfish so I can't try this myself but it does look good!
    I have an award for you on my blog! :)

  5. it looks sooo yummy! definitely going on my must-try list.


  6. now i'm starving! for food and also for your amazing wine glasses!

  7. That looks DIVINE! I'm getting hungry . . .

  8. how was the wine?! i'm totally buying that next time!!

  9. mmm looks good! and i love me some riesling...think i'll buy a bottle later! xo

  10. MMM... looks delicious, love that bottle too!

  11. Looks delicious! The bottle of wine is so pretty!

  12. I tried Riesling wine for the first time this weekend at a wedding, and fell in love. I probably drank more than I should have this past weekend. :)


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