16 March, 2011

caffeine + vitamin D

after all the excitement of the first half of my long weekend, i was feeling pretty exhausted and cramptastic on monday. it took everything i had not to melt into a heaping pile of tears and gibberish on the sidewalk.

i'm totally a drama queen when i'm sleep deprived AND menstrual. it's not a good combination.

so how did we spend a few hours of our afternoon?

in a coffee shop of course! with coffee and a chocolate chip cookie.



levi drew while i played sudoku and stared at things.



next time i'm a cranky, hormonal wreck, i need to remind myself that coffee, chocolate, and a healthy dose of sunshine often do the trick.



  1. adorable photos!! I'm quite glad to know i'm not the only drama queen when in that state :) glad you guys got some good coffee shop\couple time!!

  2. You are both so adorable in these photos! Glad you were able to turn around a rough start to a day. :)

  3. Sounds like the perfect fix. And come on, chocolate fixes everything ;-)

  4. Coffee and chocolate do make anything better. Yum!

  5. "and stared at things" HAHAHA, that would be me too.

  6. aw how fun! My hubby and I should do that from time to time just to get out of the house :)

  7. you are incredibly gorgeous in that second picture, the yellow sweater makes you glow.


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