25 February, 2011

this week.

courtesy of the jasiPhone.

photo 2

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photo 2_2_2

photo 1

photo 1

photo 2

photo 1

photo 1_2_2_2


photo 2


  1. Super fun pictures...love the pop tart one, it brought me back to when I was younger and enjoyed them on many occasions for breakfast! :) Have a lovely weekend!

    Liesl :)

  2. great snaps.
    i love the grapefruit and poptart! that should be some kitchen art.

  3. TANGLED! Loved that flic. So fun!

    I love those cute toy cats too!

  4. Don't you love going through your iphone photos? I do!

    Cant wait to be "offical offical" best friends!

  5. But in a "its really cool" way, not "I want your hair to wear as a real wig" stalker way. Glad I cleared that up.

  6. Man, it must be nice having your own stylist around the house! And, tulips are my staple flowers. They always make me smile!

  7. i love that levi cuts your hair!

  8. i wish i lived close enough that i could have levi do my hair! i actually do it myself and am totally happy with it, but i'd still love to have someone else do it once in a while. ;]

  9. @stacey - i can't wait either!!!!!!!! just a couple more weeks! yay!

    @elasticfantastic - HAHAHAHAHHAA! you're hilarious.

  10. I want to see Tangled! I'm missing out.

    You're very fortunate to have a husband who's so great at cutting hair. If I gave my husband a pair of scissors I think I would end up looking like Joe Dirt.

  11. I LOVED tangled too. Awesome new week for you.


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