14 February, 2011

it's that day again!

happy valentine's day!

levi and i don't usually celebrate v-day... probably because our anniversary is 3 days later (we'll have been together 3 years this thursday!).

but for some reason, i felt like acknowledging it this year. however, two things i don't want for valentine's day:

1. dinner at a restaurant
i just can't take the crowds. it's too stressful. we're doing breakfast instead.

2. roses
confession: i've never really liked roses. and i just can't tolerate the valentine's markup. they're way too expensive!!

one tradition i do like are valentine's cards.

i made levi's card out of red envelopes this year. i got the idea from the february issue of martha stewart living.







i'm sorry. i couldn't resist sharing that one. my little drawings are so terrible, and i thought this one was especially hilarious. do you like how the feet look like monster feet?

clearly, i'm very talented.

i hope you all feel very loved today! happy valentine's day, dear blog friends!



  1. happy valentine's day jasmine! that is adorable:)

  2. cute post and what a great idea for the card, very creative!

  3. So very creative! Love the idea & your drawings are...AWESOME! Have a lovely day. :)

  4. love it! i left my valentine a bunch of notes too... and one was definitely about his butt.

    also- happy almost anniversary! xo

  5. That is ADORABLE! And the little hiney drawing seriously "cracked" me up... yes, pun intended!

    Have a fun Valentines Day and a Happy Anniversary!

  6. such a cute idea. Happy Valentines day lovely lovely girl!

  7. These are adorable! I'm stealing your idea for next year, and your drawings are perfect! I did something kind of like this - I got little pink note cards and embossed one letter of the alphabet on each one, then wrote one word with that letter that I love about him on each one, and then I arranged them in a heart shape on our front door. I was home sick today, so I figured I would use my time wisely!

  8. so cute! roses sometimes make me sad, they die so quick :P


  9. What an awesome day! Haha, I just did the 14 things I love about him. typical :)

  10. i love your valentine! nice work.

  11. Cute idea! I love it! And agreed on the dinner thing. We went out last night instead.

  12. Cute cute! I love your drawings. Haha


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