23 February, 2011

getting dressed

i just recently discovered skinny jeans and boyfriend jeans (both should be known as the most comfortable jeans ever). i was always afraid of them before.

here's a casual outfit in my boyfriend jeans.





with poses like these, i should probably start modeling for catalogues.

cardigan: j.crew via ebay
tank: american apparel
boyfriend jeans: adriano goldschmied from anthro ($29 on sale - holler!)
shoes: circo from target (kid's section)
bandana: one of the many i steal from levi
necklace: stone&honey


  1. Love the look...and AG jeans are some of my favorite (can't believe what a good deal you got!)

  2. Love your hair! I was leery of bf jeans at first and now I would like to wear them almost daily...

    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Super cute necklace giveaway!

  3. I definitely see a future as a model for you. I love love love all your polka dots- those shoes are adorable!

  4. My lifestory will be titled: "Boyfriend jeans saved my life".

  5. love love LOVE the bf jeans.
    i didn't understand that jeans could be so comfortable.

    very cute girrrl.

  6. love the kitty posing with you in the first pic.

    also i live in skinny/boyfriend jeans :)

  7. Ca-ute! And I love that Kitty had to get in on the action.

    But seriously, how tiny are you feet that you got your shoes in the kids' section?! lol

  8. You are adorable, I love your wild hair so much!!

  9. i LOVE my boyfriend jeans. they're super cute cuffed with heels or just with sandals. your hair is so cute!!

  10. I've never been able to work the boyfriend jeans. I always end up looking kind of fat. But you, on the other hand, look fabulous!

  11. Cute! I love your short curls tied up in a bandana. I use to wear my hair like that back when I was "punk rock." I think I'm inspired to bring it back!

  12. You're so cute! I want a pair of boyfriend jeans so badly, but none of the ones I try on ever seem to fit me properly. Someday! xo

  13. I never know how to wear boyfriend jeans because I am short...and this is a totally cute way.

  14. @paige, @stephanie, @autumn -

    it took me foooooorever to find a pair that worked on me. these are called "tomboy straight leg." i was shocked when i didn't look like a little fat kid in them like i have in other pairs!

  15. Very cute pics...glad to see that you are out of your funk.

  16. You must have the teenist little feet to be shopping in the kids section. Love you blog. I'm a long-time lurker.

  17. I must try boyfriend jeans this spring, they look SUPER cute on you!!


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