28 July, 2011


Well, hello there to my neglected blog! I seem to be taking an unplanned break! This last weekend and this week have been craaaaaazy... like "is this my life?!?" crazy. The days have been full of good things and really frustrating things, but, overall, I'm happy so I'll take the good with the bad. The most exciting thing that happened this week was our purchase of a KING SIZED bed!!! Ohhhh my gosh, I am so happy about this. It's incredible. It's like we're sleeping on opposite sides of the room, and we LOVE it. Cuddling is great and all, but we both like to stretch out when we sleep. And our new bed is incredibly comfortable too. Really, anything is an improvement to the queen we upgraded from. We were sleeping with springs hitting our ribs, hips, and backs for about 6 months. Goodbye to waking up sore and hobbling around all day!

SO, enough about the bed (for now)! You guys know Lauren, right? Well, I guest posted for her today! So head on over (by clicking here), and check it out!


  1. Totally jealous of your king size bed...one has been in the works for the hubby and I, just waiting for the right time!

  2. Ooooh, a king sized bed! How have you been surviving all this time without one?! Seriously, I can't imagine life without ours.

  3. Totally agree- cuddling is great, but when it is time to sleep-don't touch me.

  4. This is a great idea. I'm not married yet, but I sometimes worry about just this sort of thing. I can't stand sleeping too close to someone - even someone I like. It just feels too smothering and not at all restful! I'll have to look into a King-sized bed when I get married.


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