06 July, 2011


I have to interrupt the Portland posts to talk about Wolfie for a second.

He keeps getting cuter and CUTER, and I keep getting more and more obsessed with him.

Here are two pictures of him from his first week:



And here is my favorite picture in the world right now:


Aren't Wolfie and his momma the most beautiful things you've ever seen?? I look at that picture several times a day. And I show it to just about everyone. Ohhhhh, he is CUTE.


  1. those cheeeeeeeks on his little face! so adorable- no wonder you're obsessed. should i ever be an auntie {not gonna happen any time soon}, i will be smooching those little faces until their parents are sick of me!

  2. Awww, he is so adorable!!

  3. Oh my goodness he is adorable!

  4. I absolutely love these photos of Wolfie. He is to die for!

  5. what a great photo! my first niece was born over the weekend, but i haven't met her yet b/c she lives in cleveland. it's torture! it's nice that your fam is close by. :)

  6. Ooh I love that hat!! Was in homemade? Your nephew is such a little cutie. :)


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