28 October, 2009

sometimes like has nothing to do with love

i have to give this guy a big, fat thank you this week.

i have been a pain and a half for the last week or so due to abnormally bad "feminine" reasons.


thank you for making me breakfast and for helping me get my backpack together when i'm running late for school (which is most days). thank you for slipping a snack into my bag because you know hunger will make me crankier than usual when i'm in this state. thank you for doing the dishes AND the laundry. thank you for being patient with me and for ignoring half the crap that's been coming out of my mouth lately. but please don't ignore this:

i love you.

thank you for being so good to me every day, especially on days i don't deserve it, on days when you probably don't even like me very much. you know the true meaning of love more than anyone i know, and you put it into action every single day. you make my heart melt every time you tell me that i'm "your best." i feel so lucky to be so loved by you.

love forever,
your jasi


  1. mmmm. lovely. so lovely. and, my dear, you always deserve to be loved, even on those unlikable days--i've been accumulating quite a few, myself. but seriously, you're so gorgeous in and out, you deserve nothing less. and levi, i imagine he deserves the same and that you give that to him--he's lovely. your lovely. i'm having a love fest for the both of you right now and getting a wee bit embarrassed by this commment. hmmm.

  2. that photo is so darling by the way. and i'm thinking i owe jason a little apology of my own. poor kid. thanks for reminding me.

  3. AWWW... How sweet he is.. you're a lucky woman!

  4. Jasmine, you're so lucky to have a wonderful man to take care of and put up with you when you're having a rotten week. You're even luckier to realize how good you have it. So many people take their significant other for granted. The two of you seem adorable and perfect together!

  5. Levi is such a sweetheart!

  6. beautiful... sounds like you got a great guy!

  7. Isn't it amazing to have a great man by your side?

    Love this letter to him!

  8. Awwww. You guys seem absolutely perfect for each other! Don't be hard on yourself lady, we ALL have those days ehem especially certain times...I'm glad you have him to keep you smiling :) XO

  9. you are both so lucky to have each other.

  10. aw this is so sweet :) i'm sorry you've had a lousy week :( but i'm happy that levi is taking good care of you. weeks like this are hard, and sometimes you just can't explain any of your actions . . . i'm grateful to have jeremy who will put up with my nonsense as well. and he just pretends i'm being just fine.
    you guys are so sweet together, thanks for being a wonderful example of love.

  11. this is so cute. i love it.

  12. awww, such beautiful, kind words.
    He's lucky to have you and you are lucky to have him.

  13. (: I'm sure he's equally stoked he's got you! and levi is too sweet! (: ps: I get rather scary too during that time of the month. xo

  14. He is totally adorable.
    I am so glad you have someone like him!

  15. Phew...I'm gonna cry over here! How sweet.

  16. I love it. You are so lucky to have found such a wonderful, supportive man. That note reminds me of one I should write to my husband:)

  17. awwwwww, he sounds so sweet:)

  18. jasmine you're so cute! and I can totally relate to this because I've been the SAME WAY the past 2 weeks. I can't believe how mean I've been to M...snapping at him a few times :( at leaast our men know that most of the time we are cupcakes and gingersnaps :)

  19. Aww...I rarely apologize or thank Don for putting up with me during the girly emo moments. I really should. This post is so sweet, Jas.

  20. so cute. i love your blog.

    dont you just love love?

    i love love.

  21. Levi sounds like a wonderful guy. I'm so happy you have him. I can't wait to meet him. Xoxo

  22. i had a bit of a similar post this week - thank God for sweet boys!

  23. Awww :) this is the sweetest post ever

  24. I don't know if you are interested in getting married (I just found your blog) but you kind of just wrote your vows, just saying.

    LOVE your blog


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