20 October, 2009

care packages & kitties

i got the coolest care package in the mail yesterday from two beautiful and talented girls:


maddie sent me a print of a photo of hers that i LOVE,
and lee made me this ridiculously insane and awesome mobile.

seriously, it must have taken soooo long for her to make. i love it.

we can't wait to find places for our new treasures.

little did they know, they also included a gift for gretel - bubble wrap! she went nutso for it.

so we made a video.

and to make up for putting another kitty video on my blog, i set it to a good song!

thank you so much, maddie and lee! your package totally made my day. i LOOOVE it!


  1. haha that is the cutest thing ever! lee's mobiles really are incredible! and so are maddies pictures!

  2. i am so glad you liked the paper mobile! i like making them :) and gretel kitty and the bubble wrap? way TOO cute!!

  3. kittens are so freaking cute.
    i love this video!

  4. Cats are just so freakin' cute! I love it!!!

  5. So cute! That's something Harry would do.

  6. Ha ha, I needed that video of Gretel - it put a much needed smile on my face. :p

  7. Gretel is obviously having the best time ever.

    I kind of want to be her right there.

  8. yay!! i'm so glad it got to you :) we were so excited to send you a little something to let you know you're special to us :)
    have a wonderful day!
    gretel is too cute!!

  9. awww gretel is ADORABLE and that package sounds so lovely!!! surprises in the mail are the absolute best!!


  10. I love Gretel and I love Devendra. Perfect combination! You are the cutest :)

  11. haha jasmine that's precious! post as many kitty videos as you like! :)

  12. oh my goodness, cutest kitten ever!

  13. oh my gosh that is sooooo cute! i miss having a fun kitten. mine is big and fat and just lays around now. i want to play with gretel!

  14. That was pretty much the cutest thing I've seen today...and loved the song!

  15. Ha ha! I love your kitty posts! There are few things I find as entertaining as a rambunctious kitten!

  16. i love the kitty video. very cute!

  17. This is adorable! I got something from Maddie and Lee, too!
    Yay for internet friends!

  18. I like the kitty video. I can't believe how big she's getting. I really miss our cat. She looked alot like Gretel. We had to have ours put down. :(


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