13 October, 2009


these are the last photos i took with my camera before it broke when levi dropped it (i had already dropped it twice before he did this, so it's not his fault):

so levi bought me a "new" camera at the pawn shop this weekend.

i was really excited because it was small and didn't weigh ten thousand pounds like my panasonic lumix.

buuuuut i don't like it!

so i decided to drop my old camera again to see if that would make it work.

guess what?

it worked.

so weird.

so now i have a casio exilim that i need to sell on ebay or something since pawn shops don't accept returns.



  1. Be careful with that camera! :)

  2. that's so crazy!! my camera broke a few days ago, and i was reading message boards to see if i could fix it and everyone said they just banged theirs really hard against something!! now i'm determined to try it!

  3. Too funny! Though my sister-in-law did the same thing. Her camera got pulled off the counter by her daughter and the pop-up flash didn't work.. it got dropped again and it worked :)

  4. i like your pictures!! and i LOOVE your shoes! :) glad your camera is working again, broken electronics are such a day-ruiner!!

  5. YAY! So happy your camera works again!

  6. i love that you decided to drop it again, and it worked. something i would totally do.

  7. that's really weird that your camera now works after dropping it!

  8. We somehow ended up at Big Lots this weekend. I was surprised at what they had, and one of the items was the new decent cameras they had. They were like $60 and Scott being a gadget geek, said they were actually really good. Just a thought for next time.

  9. I love your shoes! Sooo cute! That is too bad about the camera, but I am glad it started working again!

  10. Maybe you should keep the new camera. You know, just in case...

    Love that the old one is working after being re-dropped. Kinda like my bang-it-if-it's-broken repair plan :)

  11. love those flashy shoes!

  12. That's how you get the old iPods to work (before they made them super duper slip through your fingers skinny).. just hit them on something hard a couple of times. What kind of Lumix do you have that it is heavy?

  13. at least you have yours back in working condition!

  14. check out craigslist for selling stuff, they don't charge you anything!

  15. Ha ha! I love it when things heal themselves!

    Cute shoes!

  16. Hooray, your camera is working again! Yay! PS) I LOVE your shoes. Where did you get them?

  17. Isn't it funny how tricky cameras are? When mine refused to work the other day, I put it down for a little nap. The next day, it was as good as new!


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