15 October, 2009

i can't stop.

it's not unusual for our cupboards to look like this:

i love my parmesan fishies!

a lot.


  1. Too funny! I love those fish too, but usually the cheddar or pretzel ones. Delish!

  2. heehee....I love them too! can't seem to find them here though ): boo. I really like the new hair colour (: xoxo

  3. me too! i love how each goldfish character has its own name and personality. i admit to liking the pizza-flavored ones best.

  4. me too! i love how each goldfish character has its own name and personality. i admit to liking the pizza-flavored ones best.

  5. That's hilarious! My cupboard would look like this except replace the fishies with boxes of any kind of cereal. That is if I could still eat Cereal for every meal and look as thin and trim as you ma-dear. Thanks for sharing. Love it. And apparently, I need to try these out.

  6. aw man, i see spaghettio's in there too! you have quite an awesome stash in that cupboard...

  7. We have food like that at my house, too. My mom feels that way about weight watchers fudgesicles (don't ask- they're not that delicious), and I always have to have plenty of Trader Joe's red pepper relish. I put it on EVERYTHING.
    You just don't ever want to run out!

  8. hahahaha. That's pretty intense, Jasmine. I love it!

  9. LOVE your hair jasmine! it's darling :) yes, i'm a huge goldfish fan too. my cupboards are stocked full of salty chips, pretzels, popcorn . . . everything salty. my vice.

  10. I've never tried the parmesan ones. I will have to buy them. We finally get new banquet uniforms. Right now our shirts are burnt orange and they are hideous. Now we will have white shirts with black diamondy vests. still a funny outfit though......

  11. haha- you're so funny. Gotta love goldfish.

  12. wow, I don't think that I have ever liked anything that much!

  13. I know it's weird but I'm obsessed with tins of smoked oysters. If I have less than five left in the cabinet, I have to get to Trader Joes to stock up. If we ever have a bad storm, I'll be eating oysters!

  14. Ooooh, I love those, too. Our pantry is WELL stocked with canned soup right now. Costco.

  15. such a cute blog. i love your hair too!

  16. those look so amazingly yummy!!!!!

  17. so one of my friends referred me to your blog, very cute! I am so glad I saw this post because like you I am obsessed with these little fishes and only wish they came in bigger bags :) From one fan to another, I have to ask... the last couple bags I have purchased have tasted a little different, like they changed something about them. Have you noticed or have I gone crazy?? Sorry that is a really random comment to leave, but I can only ask a true fishy fan :)

  18. oh my gosh, christin!!!! YESSSSSS! i started opening bags IN the store before i would buy them because a ton of bags were all screwed up. the fish were all puffy and bland and the texture was all wrong. i figured out the bad dates. don't get any that expire in january! make sure they expire after january. i've had like 2 bags that were good since i figured that out, but the ones i have right now are a little bit stale and not quite as flavorful. i've actually been meaning to call pepperidge farms because i think it's lame that they aren't being consistent anymore. you should call too!

    woah. i just reread that - i am crazy.

  19. yesssssss! those fishies are the best. ever. they make the gallon cartons now. key is finding them.

    <3 your blog. :]


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