30 March, 2009


sometimes i laugh my loudest when i'm alone.
sometimes i turn on the ting tings and dance like a fool all by myself.
sometimes long beach looks so beautiful that my eyes get wet.
sometimes i'm so filled with inspiration and joy that i want to spin and sing like maria on those green rolling hills.
sometimes i really truly feel how much God loves me instead of just knowing it.
and sometimes everything just makes sense.


  1. I love them all! It's so nice when everything makes sense!

  2. those are all good feelings :) sort inspirational to be reminded of those kinds of things on a snowy, crummy day in utah. i'm sure california is nice today! :)

  3. feeling the love of God is a great feeling, although the real length of it, we may never really understand.
    I love this post!

  4. "sometimes i turn on the ting tings and dance like a fool all by myself" - well I did yesterday :)

  5. last summer when I had to open and close a boutique I would listen to the tings tings all day!


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